All The News That’s Fit: COVID and diets, a trailblazer and heart-stopping humor


Crucifers vegetables assortment

It’s not time to go grocery shopping yet, but a new published study suggests that a plant-based diet might protect people against COVID-19 infections.

The authors surveyed 702 adults, nearly half of whom had previously contracted COVID. Those who ate an omnivore’s diet (meat, plants, everything) were more likely to have caught COVID (52 percent) than herbivores (40 percent).

There were obvious study limitations and caveats: People tend to struggle to remember and record what they eat, and meat-eaters typically have a higher rate of medical conditions, such as obesity and lower rates of activity, that are also known COVID risk factors.

So if you’re an eat-everything sort of person, not to worry (yet). More research is needed. If you’re a vegetarian, relax and pass the peas, please.
