42 Dugg says he’s being held in prison “without reasoning” and is forced to live in harrowing conditions as he languishes behind bars.
RELATED: Detroit Rapper 42 Dugg Sentenced To One Year For Failing To Surrender To Prison
42 Dugg Complains About Prison Treatment In Since-Deleted Instagram Post
On Tuesday, the Detroit rapper posted and quickly deleted an Instagram update where he describes his living situation. Dugg said he has to use “nasty a**’ shower water to heat up his food in jail.
The since-deleted post went on to accuse U.S. Marshalls of trying to “ruin” his life.
42 Dugg speaks out on being mistreated in Jail & not being released on his date of scheduled release 😤😢 FREE DUGG 🙏🏾 pic.twitter.com/KjixQPX813
— Raphousetv (RHTV) (@raphousetv2) May 16, 2023
He also alleges the United States Penitentiary Atlanta is violating his basic human rights like clean water and nutritional food. The 28-year-old called on “the best civil lawyer in Georgia.”
“I’m in jail for going to the gun range dropping dirty and failure to appear. I didn’t steal from nobody, hurt nobody, they handling me crazy ,man, I’m in this b***h heating my food up with water from the nasty a** shower, they don’t even give us hot water to heat food up ain’t no microwave, I can’t get no visits from my family, nothing. I’m sure they gone do some more illegal s**t but what I ’pose to die in this b***h for probation violation ,Ion know what they got againt rappers an famous people but this s**t can’t be real”
Dugg continues.
“whats crazy is I missed my turn in date by 2 an half weeks an had ah new indictment lol, but somehow they haven’t submitted my sentence to the bop in 3 weeks how that work, in these the people in control of our lives when we catch ah federal case they can manipulate this s**t however they want too…”
42 Dugg Speaks: pic.twitter.com/UPQMXB3Yuz
— Raphousetv (RHTV) (@raphousetv2) May 16, 2023
IG Post Comes Weeks After Dugg Was Sentenced & Failed To Surrender To Prison On Gun Charges
The 28-year-old was sentenced to six months in a West Virginia prison camp after a 2020 federal gun investigation.
But he never showed up to serve his time after being convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
Last month a judge sentenced Dugg, whose real name is Dion Hayes, to one year behind bars, per the Detroit News. The rapper pleaded guilty to failure to surrender back in February.
He will also have to serve three years of supervised release, pay a $20,000 fine, and refrain from using drugs.
Additionally, 42 Dugg agreed to attend a 30-day inpatient drug treatment program upon his release next year. A 30-day outpatient program will follow this.