The Cold Weather Payment scheme began on November 1 meaning eligible households can get a £25 payment when the temperature drops below a certain level.
People can get a payment if the average temperature in their area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees celsius or below over seven consecutive days.
The Cold Weather Payment offers £25 for each seven-day period of very cold weather between November 1, and March 31.
After each period of very cold weather in the area, those eligible should get a payment within 14 working days.
Cold Weather Payments do not affect other benefits.
Britons can check if they are due a payment in their area by looking up their postcode.
If they have not received a Cold Weather Payment and they think they’re eligible, they should contact the Pension Service or Jobcentre Plus.
Britons may get Cold Weather Payments if they’re getting:
- Pension Credit
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Universal Credit
- Support for Mortgage Interest
Those in Scotland cannot get Cold Weather Payments. They might get an annual Winter Heating Payment instead.
Pension Credit claimants will usually get Cold Weather Payments.
a disability or pensioner premium
a child who is disabled
a child under 5 living with them.
a severe or enhanced disability premium
a pensioner premium
a child who is disabled
a child under 5 living with you
Universal Credit claimants will get the payment if they area not employed or ‘gainfully self-employed’ or their partner is not employed or ‘gainfully self-employed’ (if they have a partner).
One of the following must also apply:
People will also be eligible if they have a disabled child amount in their claim. It does not matter whether they or their partner are employed, self-employed or not working.