DEL RIO, Texas — U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the General Services Administration, and the City of Del Rio are pleased to announce the construction completion of a small-scale infrastructure improvement project at the Del Rio Land Port of Entry.
Under CBP’s Donations Acceptance Program, the City of Del Rio constructed new Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection lanes that will enhance CBP’s processing operation while reducing the current wait times at the LPOE.
“This improvement project was successfully completed through a joint effort to enhance our processing operations,” said Port Director Liliana Flores, Del Rio Port of Entry. “The addition of the brand new SENTRI lane will not only have a positive impact on our Trusted Traveler Program card holders, but all travelers, to include our commercial traffic, with expedited processing times when entering the United States.”
In January of 2021, the City of Del Rio submitted a proposal for infrastructure improvements at the Del Rio LPOE. The project went through the process of planning and design and the partnership was formalized by signing a Donation Acceptance Agreement in December of 2021. After seven months of construction, today’s announcement culminates a strong partnership that will benefit local entities, communities, and consumers.
“It is through mutually beneficial partnerships with federal and local entities, such as this, which assist in CBP’s mission and increasing the economic strength of surrounding communities,” said Diane Sabatino, Acting Executive Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Field Operations.
The donation constructed a two-lane roadway totaling 1,700 lineal feet, of which 400 lineal feet will be located within the LPOE. The project will also include the addition of the required appurtenance to include drainage, signage, lighting, and fencing.
“GSA is proud of its partnership with the City of Del Rio and the Customs and Border Protection, and our successful delivery of this important project to improve traffic flow and trade at the Del Rio Land Port of Entry,” said Regional Administrator Jason Shelton. “This project, and several others along the southern border, benefit from improvements made through our donations program.”
Pursuant to 6 U.S.C. § 301a, and more generally, the Homeland Security Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C. §§ 112 et seq., as amended, CBP and GSA are authorized to accept donations of real property, personal property (including monetary donations) and non-personal services from private sector and government entities. Accepted donations may be used for port of entry construction, alterations, operations, and maintenance activities.
Public-private partnerships are a key component of CBP’s Resource Optimization Strategy and allow CBP to provide new or expanded services and infrastructure at domestic ports of entry. For more information, visit www.cbp.gov/DAP.