Nearly half of Brits have received damaged packages in the last year – at an estimated cost of £8 billion, research has revealed. A study of 2,000 adults found the typical Brit has had an average of three items arrive compromised across the last 12 months, worth an average of £115 each.
Household items such as crockery, as well as clothes, food, and drink were the top items to turn up in less than perfect condition. And it also emerged that 30 percent order deliveries to their home at least weekly.
Magnus Renman, from sustainable packaging company, DS Smith, which commissioned the study, said: “Damaged deliveries are a lose-lose for everyone involved. Shoppers get frustrated, and retailers have to deal with the difficulty of processing returns.
“Internet sales now account for more than a quarter of total UK retail sales – and, as this research shows, returns come at a significant cost at a time when online shopping is crucial for retailers, as we head into the busiest season.”
The study also found 52 percent hold the retailer accountable, while 48 percent reckon the courier is at fault should something arrive on their doorstep damaged.
And the same number (48 percent) would be making contact with the courier to make their feelings known.
Half of those polled also said they’d be hesitant to shop with a firm again were their item to arrive broken, and 81 percent would ensure they return their damaged or faulty product.
Magnus Renman, from DS Smith, added: “To help, we are working with impact-testing and tracking technologies, to understand what actually happens to parcels on their journey to our front doors.
“We recreate those conditions in the lab so we can put packaging through its paces, and then do everything we can to help protect the product inside.
“Our research and development teams have found that through clever design, there are ways to not only limit damage, but also use less material, and do it all without plastic.”
The packaging brand’s research and development team used advanced impact-testing technology to replicate the stress that packaging goes through during the delivery process – testing drops, impacts, shakes, crushes, and shock factors.
As well as recreating the perils of the supply chain, they attached “accelerometers” to packages, to ascertain what levels of acceleration they are experiencing in transit.
Their research showed a typical online parcel undergoes G-forces measuring up to an astronomical 50Gs. This is more than five times the level of G-forces that would cause an experienced astronaut to lose consciousness (at 9Gs), and 10 times more G-forces than are typically experienced on a rollercoaster (at 5Gs).