A 20-year-old man has been left scratching his head after his girlfriend, who claims to be a virgin, announced she was pregnant.
The boyfriend took to Reddit for advice, asking: “My girlfriend is pregnant but we’ve never had sex? What do I do?”
He explained that they come from religious families and it’s an unspoken agreement that they won’t be intimate anytime soon, especially not in his parents’ house.
He said: “I’m trying to put this all together in my head right now. I know it’s not Jesus obviously but I don’t think she just went out and cheated on me either. “
His 19-year-old girlfriend has been feeling unwell and gained a bit of weight recently.
He added: “I didn’t think of this as being a big deal until she told me the nausea was unbearable and she wanted to see a doctor.
“We don’t really want to go to a doctor right now for obvious reasons so I just wanted to know everything she was going through and she brought up her missed period.
“She doesn’t track them so she honestly might have missed more. I told her we should get a pregnancy test seeing as all the symptoms matched and she laughed, but I still bought her a pack. All four came in positive. I bought another pack, all positive.”
He says she “swears up and down” she hasn’t slept with anybody – and he believes her saying she doesn’t have time to.
The 20-year-old added: “We both freelance for work online right now and never really leave the house. We go on walks together sometimes but that’s basically it.”
“The only way I’ve worked out in my head that she could be sleeping with another guy is if she sneaks out the window in the middle of the day while my whole family’s just doing their own thing. It doesn’t make any sense at all. We all eat at the same time and everything.”
Seeking advice on social media, he said: “She’s in shock. All she’s been saying is that there’s no way she’s pregnant. I don’t know what to do. I can’t tell anyone in my family and I know my friends will rip her to pieces for this.”
In response, one user said: “The best idea would be to go to the doctor’s office and get this verified. My sister would get positive test results because she had very huge cysts.”
“They were huge (one was the size of a grapefruit and the other the size of a baseball) and she was around mid-20s once the doctor’s figured out what was going on. The only difference is she didn’t have missed periods. She had horrible periods. She could not get up type of periods.”
“There’s a lot of things it could be as women produce hormones and it would be best to get her into the doctor. If she is pregnant then you need to figure out what you’re going to do or how you’re going to handle it. The only one who can diagnose her is a doctor. She needs to see a doctor immediately.”
Another user added: “So it’s also possible she has a cyst or another issue causing hormonal issues. She needs to go to the doctor.”
A third user said: “If she did cheat, I’m sorry, but otherwise this is a potentially time-sensitive medical issue.
“I don’t know where you live but there might be an advice nurse line or something available to you, if so I would call and run her symptoms by them to see if you can afford to wait for her to feel better emotionally before taking her in.”