Britons may be able to boost their wealth by tens of thousands of pounds by retirement by opting into a salary sacrifice scheme.
Salary sacrifice is a Government-backed scheme designed to help both employees and employers save on tax. An employee agrees to give up part of their salary in exchange for the extra money being paid straight into their pension.
This means that the employee’s official gross salary is reduced by the amount they sacrifice.
According to experts at interactive investor, the benefit for the employees is that they will save National Insurance as well as income tax on their pension payments, giving them more take-home pay.
National insurance will fall from 12 percent to 10 percent from January 6 for employees earning less than £50,270, meaning they would save £10 tax for every £100 they pay into their pension under a salary sacrifice arrangement. Their employer will also save National Insurance at a current rate of 13.8 percent.
Some employers also agree to pay the extra tax saved into their employees’ pension savings, potentially boosting an employee’s pension wealth even more over time.
Alice Guy, head of pensions and savings at interactive investor said: “With a rising tax burden, finding ways to save tax and keep more of your wealth are particularly valuable. Despite National Insurance falling to 10 percent, the reality is that frozen tax thresholds are making us all poorer as even lower and middle earners will pay more tax overall in 2024 as their wages rise with inflation.
“Using salary sacrifice to make pension contributions is a win-win for both employees and employers. It allows you to save on National Insurance as well as income tax, potentially saving up to 10 percent extra tax on pension contributions.
“And employers can save 13.8 percent employers’ National Insurance because the pension payment under a salary sacrifice arrangement isn’t officially counted as part of the employees’ pay.”
According to Ms Guy, someone earning £30,000 and contributing five percent to their pension would save £150 tax each year by using salary sacrifice.
Based on an assumption that an employee invested tax savings in an ISA and achieved five percent annual investment growth, and amounts invested increased by two percent each year, this could garner up to £25,000 over 40 years.
Meanwhile, someone earning £50,000 and contributing five percent would take home an extra £250 each year, garnering up to £41,000 over 40 years based on the same calculations.
Ms Guy added: “Salary sacrifice is a great way to reduce your tax burden with no extra cost. Over a lifetime of working, using salary sacrifice can make a big difference to your long-term wealth, especially if you can afford to save or invest your tax savings.
“If you invest the National Insurance, you would have paid over 40 years, you could end up with a significant boost to your long-term wealth, taking you one step closer to a comfortable retirement.”
Myron Jobson, senior personal finance analyst at interactive investor, said: “Any cut in taxes is certainly welcome following what has been a difficult period for personal finances.
“But the harsh reality is that the savings are going to be completely nullified – and then some – for most people because of the deep freeze of tax thresholds and allowances which, in tandem with wage inflation, means we’ll be paying more in tax in the years to come.
“The burgeoning tax burden provides extra impetus to look carefully at various aspects of your finances and tax planning.”
However, Mr Jobson noted: “A lower salary can affect entitlements such as maternity/paternity pay mortgage applications based on one’s income and some state allowances. As such, people should always consider how such benefits could impact their finances more broadly.”