You feel you have done enough for a friend who is turning out to be needy, demanding and selfish. Once again they will turn to you for help, advice or guidance. You have far more important things to do and it is time you left them to stand on their own two feet.
It isn’t much fun when you seem to be the one other people look to when they get into trouble. They rely on you to help sort them out. This means having to spend a lot of your time trying to unravel problems that aren’t of your making.
There are times, like today, when you love good gossip. Even so there are some secrets that you hear that you will need to keep to yourself. It might feel good to be able to divulge certain pieces of information but someone is relying on your discretion.
An argument that is going on in the family seems to be going on forever. Even when it appears to be resolved, someone will change their mind or bring it up again and once again, conversations start going round in circles.
The day will be surprisingly busy. You are in demand wherever you happen to go. What you were hoping for and planning to do, is not likely to happen. Other people keep getting in the way. Your attention will be drawn to joint concerns.
You won’t be particularly fond of some arrangements that are now being put in place. It will seem to you as if these are likely to benefit other people while you have to make sacrifices to please them. Are they taking your kindness too much for granted?
If a job you are being asked to take on means a lot of travelling and you aren’t likely to be reimbursed for expenses incurred, will it be worth your while? Don’t feel you have to agree to something that benefits other people more than it will you.
All your reactions seem to be exaggerated and you’re taking everything to heart. You can’t explain why because you don’t understand what’s making you feel this way. Better to steer clear of people who lack sensitivity at the best of times. They certainly won’t show you any patience today.
Having to remain in the same place or situation for too long is starting to make you feel claustrophobic. Routine responsibilities are starting to get you down. The more you are out and about, the happier and more at ease you are likely to feel.
A job you would like to complete will demand a lot of thought and concentration. This is something you will prefer to do alone. You don’t need anyone’s help. This task may be difficult but it is one that only needs one person. Not the dozens who keep trying to interfere.
Are you being too impulsive in an effort to rebel against rules, regulations or authority? It may be necessary to stop and think about your reactions. A person in power is being fair and reasonable so make sure you show them some respect.
A group that has been set up for a specific purpose may have had its problems but there will be relief now that all seems to be going smoothly. You might be planning on continuing independently in a similar area, once this project has reached an end.