Yesterday, at the annual Rencontres de Moriond conference taking place in La Thuile, Italy, the LHCb collaboration at CERN reported a new milestone in our understanding of the subtle yet profound differences between matter and antimatter. In its analysis of large quantities of data produced by the Large Hadron Collider, the international team found overwhelming evidence that particles known as baryons, such as the protons and neutrons that make up atomic nuclei, are subject to a mirror-like asymmetry in nature’s fundamental laws that causes matter and antimatter to behave differently. The discovery provides new ways to address why the elementary particles that make up matter fall into the neat patterns described by the Standard Model of particle physics, and to explore why matter apparently prevailed over antimatter after the Big Bang.
First observed in the 1960s among a class of particles called mesons, which are made up of a quark-antiquark pair, the violation of “charge-parity (CP)” symmetry has been the subject of intense study at both fixed-target and collider experiments. While it was expected that the other main class of known particles—baryons, which are made up of three quarks—would also be subject to this phenomenon, experiments such as LHCb had only seen hints of CP violation in baryons until now.
“The reason why it took longer to observe CP violation in baryons than in mesons is down to the size of the effect and the available data,” explains LHCb spokesperson Vincenzo Vagnoni. “We needed a machine like the LHC capable of producing a large enough number of beauty baryons and their antimatter counterparts, and we needed an experiment at that machine capable of pinpointing their decay products. It took over 80,000 baryon decays for us to see matter–antimatter asymmetry with this class of particles for the first time.”
Particles are known to have identical mass and opposite charges with respect to their antimatter partners. However, when particles transform or decay into other particles, for example as occurs when an atomic nucleus undergoes radioactive decay, CP violation causes a crack in this mirror-like symmetry. The effect can manifest itself in a difference between the rates at which particles and their antimatter counterparts decay into lighter particles, which physicists can log using highly sophisticated detectors and data analysis techniques.
The LHCb collaboration observed CP violation in a heavier, short-lived cousin of protons and neutrons called the beauty-lambda baryon Λb, which is composed of an up quark, a down quark and a beauty quark. First, they sifted through data collected by the LHCb detector during the first and second runs of the LHC (which lasted from 2009 to 2013 and from 2015 to 2018, respectively) in search of the decay of the Λb particle into a proton, a kaon and a pair of oppositely charged pions, as well as the corresponding decay of its antimatter counterpart, the anti-Λb. They then counted the numbers of the observed decays of each and took the difference between the two.
The analysis showed that the difference between the numbers of Λb and anti-Λb decays, divided by the sum of the two, differs by 2.45% from zero with an uncertainty of about 0.47%. Statistically speaking, the result differs from zero by 5.2 standard deviations, which is above the threshold required to claim an observation of the existence of CP violation in this baryon decay.
While it has long been expected that CP violation exists among baryons, the complex predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics are not yet precise enough to enable a thorough comparison between theory and the LHCb’s measurement.
Perplexingly, the amount of CP violation predicted by the Standard Model is many orders of magnitude too small to account for the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in the universe. This suggests the existence of new sources of CP violation beyond those predicted by the Standard Model, the search for which is an important part of the LHC physics program and will continue at future colliders that may succeed it.
“The more systems in which we observe CP violations and the more precise the measurements are, the more opportunities we have to test the Standard Model and to look for physics beyond it,” says Vagnoni. “The first-ever observation of CP violation in a baryon decay paves the way for further theoretical and experimental investigations of the nature of CP violation, potentially offering new constraints for physics beyond the Standard Model.”
“I congratulate the LHCb collaboration on this exciting result. It again underlines the scientific potential of the LHC and its experiments, offering a new tool with which to explore the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe,” says CERN Director for Research and Computing, Joachim Mnich.
Editor’s note: A version of this article was originally published as a press release by CERN.