An animal shelter has said they thought they had “seen it all” until an abused puppy was found with swastikas and explicit words drawn on her body.
Last week, a three-month-old puppy was brought to a Missouri animal shelter by police with her fur shaved off and nazi symbols drawn onto her body.
The young dog also had a message marked on her back which read: “Don’t feed this (explicit) dog.”
Rescue One, a foster-based animal rescue in Springfield, MO, posted about the puppy and said she was doing well despite her shocking appearance, and said they were “thankful that law enforcement rescued this dog and that we get to be part of her journey to a great home.”
They wrote on Facebook: “She is heading for the tub to scrub-a-dub-dub all of this hate off. Only love here.”
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Rescue One’s post has gained popularity, as people could not believe someone would draw hate symbols into their pet.
One commentator said: “Boy…some people are just pure evil. Thank you for having her.”
A second person said: “That poor dog! Thank you Rescue One for saving her life!”
Another user wrote: “I am inspired by your love, dedication, blood, sweat, and tears. You see the worst of every horrible situation and with unwavering commitment, you give each one of them a chance at happily ever after. Thank you so very much Rescue One.”
However, Rescue One has since posted an update due to the puppy’s popularity and said they have named the “perfect” pup Leslie.
They wrote: “The pup you have all been asking about is settling in great! She has gotten several baths and the swastikas have faded a lot.
“She has met some doggie friends, taken lots of naps, and has been helpful at the clinic.”
Leslie has since been placed in a foster home but has already received some adoption requests from hopeful owners, but due to her young age, the shelter is waiting one month to adopt her out.
A spokesperson for Rescue One said to Fox News: “We have already begun to review adoption applications for her. She loves to play with the other dogs in her foster home and is a very friendly puppy.”
If you are interested in helping other puppies like Leslie be rescued and cared for, a link to Rescue One’s donation page can be found here.
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