If you happened to reside in Salem, Mass., in 1692-93, being a witch (or simply being accused of being one) was bad for your health. You would be tried and, if found guilty, imprisoned and/or executed.
Over the course of the infamous Salem witch trials, which ran for 15 months, 19 persons were hanged and one killed by torture. Five died in prison awaiting trial, while 150 others awaited their day in court.
What constituted evidence that the accused was a witch?
1. They were female.
2. They could not support themselves financially.
3. Conversely, they were financially independent. (No man needed.)
4. They had one or more female friends.
5. They had had an argument with one or more female friends.
6. They had had a disagreement with someone. (Anyone could accuse anyone of being a witch.)
7. They were old.
8. They were very young.
9. They were good at healing others.
10. They were married with too few or no children.