Treat Williams, known for his roles in “Hair” and “Everwood,” died following a vehicular accident in Dorset...
Like a knight in shining armor, Luke Bryan came to the defense of fellow “American Idol” judge...
“The Idol” has only aired two episodes, but week to week has faced intense criticism and controversy,...
Actor John Amos is receiving medical attention in Tennessee after officials in Colorado confirmed the “Good Times”...
Rachel Bilson is sharing intimate details about her sex life with her “Broad Ideas” podcast listeners. The...
Following her stint on The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip, it sounds like Porsha Williams may be considering a return...
Pat Sajak is leaving “Wheel of Fortune” after 40 years. Sajak tweeted his 41st season would be...
Akbar V recently gave fans an update on her plastic surgery journey, and it looks like she’s...
Marlon Wayans is shouting out other airlines after he was removed from a United Airlines flight on...
A “fairytale” wedding left ten dead and 25 wounded after a bus carrying guests crashed in Australia...