When Judge Judy Sheindlin ended her hit series, “Judge Judy,” in 2021 after 25 years on the...
If ‘Love & Hip Hop’ calls Joseline Hernandez, the Puerto Rican Princess is ready to answer! Speaking...
“Titanic” director James Cameron is speaking out after the search for the missing OceanGate Titan submersible came...
Scientists have figured out a meat production process that doesn’t require slaughtering live animals. And now, two...
Titanic director James Cameron says he knew the Titan submersible had been destroyed less than 24 hours...
Kelly Clarkson admitted changes are already in place for the fifth season of her talk show after...
A 33-year-old Florida father is now facing charges after allegedly telling his 13-year-old pregnant daughter to commit...
Succession actress Sarah Snook is to star in a one-woman adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s only novel, The...
“Home Improvement” star Zachery Ty Bryan downplayed a 2020 altercation between him and Johnnie Faye Cartwright, who...
A pregnant mother and her unborn child were unintentionally shot and killed after her two-year son found...