Back to Black, a Sam Taylor-Johnson directed biopic on the legendary Camden-born star Amy Winehouse, saw the...
One of Elvis Presley’s post-army movies of the early 1960s was Follow That Dream, which hit cinemas...
Bridget Jones 4 – Hugh Grant returns as Renée Zellweger’s lead dates toy boy | Films | Entertainment
Bridget Jones 4 – Hugh Grant returns as Renée Zellweger’s lead dates toy boy | Films | Entertainment
It’s been eight years since Bridget Jones’ Baby hit cinemas, the third film in the rom-com series....
Speaking previously with Variety, Semple said: “Frankly, we thought he was kind of unbelievable and as I...
Bridget Jones fans can rejoice as Renee Zellweger is set to reprise her role in the fourth...
Today at Las Vegas’ CinemaCon, Warner Bros Pictures will give a special presentation of the studio’s upcoming...
It’s been 25 years since Gladiator was filmed, going on to storm the Oscars and now the...
Following a decade starring as Tony Stark in MCU movies, Robert Downey Jr bowed out as Iron...
This weekend, Scoop has landed on Netflix, recreating the infamous interview Prince Andrew had with Emily Maitlis...
Disney have announced a couple of new release dates and delayed one of their upcoming blockbusters. Star...