Disney have just released the first trailer for their upcoming animated musical movie Wish. The movie stars...
Pensioner Harold Fry (Jim Broadbent) is in his South Devon flat, watching the weft of the carpet...
Johnny Depp has been away from Hollywood for quite a while. After he was axed from his legendary Pirates...
Steven Spielberg was originally set to direct Indiana Jones 5, but other projects got in the way...
Spider-Man fans are about to get the opportunity of a lifetime this Autumn, as Spider-Man: Into the...
Today, Tuesday, April 25, 2023, marks the 83rd birthday of the legendary Hollywood star Al Pacino. The...
The upcoming Barbie movie is one of the most anticipated movies of the year, and the excitement...
Back in 1970, Clint Eastwood starred in the Western Two Mules for Sister Sara opposite Shirley MacLaine,...
The award-winning British screenwriter said there were moments of the film that were now “bound to feel...
It’s been 60 years since the first official James Bond movie Dr No hit cinemas starring Sean...