On the smallest level, the universe operates in such a bizarre way that even Albert Einstein had...
Artificial intelligence models can now create smaller AI systems without the help of a human, according to...
The Geminid meteor shower, considered the year’s best, is reaching its peak this week, with the highest...
In September, members of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider announced that they had measured...
Scientists have suggested Mercury could support life, but it would require some flexible thinking about the form...
The US particle physics community has its plan for the coming decade of research, and it represents...
A rare eclipse is expected as an asteroid named Leona passes in front of Betelgeuse, one of...
Iran is claiming Wednesday to have launched a capsule into orbit that is capable of carrying animals. ...
Our Milky Way galaxy’s most common type of star is called a red dwarf – much smaller...
How many fundamental forces are there in our universe? For particle physicists, answering this question can be...