Dear Liz: We paid a lot for our house, and a lot to renovate it seven years...
California added 475,803 residents from other states in 2022. Only two states had a larger inflow, according...
When artist Tim Carey and Judson Studios won the bid in 2014 to make one of the...
Opera is an art form that has been around for more than 400 years. But not mariachi...
UC San Diego has 71 of the most widely-cited researchers in science, medicine, engineering and economics, ranking...
A house-flipping couple spent $600,000 renovating a bayside home only to be told by the Canadian Department...
JOHANNESBURG — A minimum of 5.6 million people have been driven from their homes, a further 25...
Brady Hoke tried to make this game like any other game. How could that be when you’re...
Lane is a Father Joe’s Villages program participant and lives in East Village. I am a talker,...
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO — It seemed like a curious scheduling choice for San Diego State, playing a basketball...