Singers sought for harmony chorus
The Pacific Coast Harmony, a mixed barbershop chorus based in La Jolla with singers from Southern California, welcomes anyone who loves singing harmony to join their rehearsals. The group meets at 7 p.m. Mondays at Saints Constantine and Helen Church. Visit pacificcoastharmony.org.

Walk participants at the Breast Cancer Walk for Prevention and Wellness Fair at The Shoppes at Carlsbad.
(Courtesy of The Shoppes at Carlsbad)
Community joins cancer prevention walk
Dozens of local residents of all ages joined a Breast Cancer Walk for Prevention and Wellness Fair at The Shoppes at Carlsbad, before the mall opened on a recent Saturday. The shopping mall hosted The Helen Knoll Foundation for its first such 5K event and wellness fair with a celebration presented by the United Breast Cancer Foundation. The walk raised money for early breast cancer screening and detection services supported by the nonprofit Helen Knoll Foundation based in Escondido.
Luiseno storytelling at lagoon
Batiquitos Lagoon will host a presentation at 10 a.m. Nov. 11 titled “First People” given by Luiseno educator and storyteller Cathleen Chilcote Wallace, who will present stories of the Native Luiseno and Kumeyaay people. This free, family event is for adults and children, age 6 and older. Meet at the Nature Center, 7380 Gabbiano Lane. Registration is required at batiquitoslagoon.org.
Woman’s Club of Carlsbad meets Nov. 8
The Woman’s Club of Carlsbad holds a business meeting and planning session at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 8 in the clubhouse, 3320 Monroe St. Social time is at 6 p.m. Prospective new members are welcome. The club is one of the longest-running philanthropic social groups in Carlsbad and does volunteer work locally and globally. Visit womansclubofcarlsbad.org.
Free beginner’s genealogy class offered
The North San Diego County Genealogical Society will offer a free, all-day Beginning and Refresher Genealogy Class from 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 11 at the Georgina Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive. Register at education@nsdcgs.org.
Free Hebrew classes for the community
A free series of eight Hebrew classes will be offered via Zoom in November and December, sponsored by Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Encinitas. The short program is open to new Hebrew readers and those who want a review class. The class, books, materials and Internet support are covered by a national grant, “Read Hebrew Across America” by the National Jewish Outreach Program. The program is open to the North County community. Email naomi.gabai.fisher@gmail.com or call (760) 650-2262.
Cori Strell to give concert
Encinitas native Cori Strell returns from Brooklyn, N.Y., to showcase her latest original songs in a free concert Nov. 13 in the Encinitas Library Community Room, 540 Cornish Drive. Doors open at 7 p.m. Strell brings “positive lyrics out, with sweet indie/folk melodies, to a grieving world.” The special performance kickstarts Strell’s new recording project. Visit coristrell.com/music.
Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving gathering
The POINT Poway Interfaith Team and Escondido Together Interfaith group will hold their annual communitywide Interfaith Thanksgiving Service from 7 to 9 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2255 Felicita Ave. The theme is “Room at the Table for Everyone.” There will be music, cultural performances, speakers of different faiths and refreshments. Bring canned, nonperishable food and travel-size hygiene items for asylum seekers and the homeless. Food and money donations go to Interfaith Community Services based in Escondido. For questions, email revabigail.afc@outlook.com.
Opera à la Carte San Diego featured at library
The Escondido Public Library presents Opera à la Carte from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 11 for all ages in the library’s Turrentine Room, 239 S. Kalmia St. This opera’s mission is to offer opportunities for performers to showcase their talent and introduce local audiences to the “beauty and magic of opera and classical singing.” Visit library.escondido.org.
STEM Maker Club for kids meets at library
The Escondido Public Library holds an after-school STEM Maker Club from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 7, 14, and 28 in the Mathes Classroom for students in grades 4–6. STEM Ambassadors from California State University San Marcos will lead hands-on STEM activities solving real-world design challenges using a variety of technologies and building materials. Registration is required and limited to 25 students. Visit library.escondido.org.
Christmas Bazaar kicks off Nov. 6
A Christmas Bazaar will be held Nov. 6-12 at Church of the Resurrection in the Parish Hall, 1445 Conway Drive. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Visit resurrectionchurch.org.
Library holds fundraiser for literacy
The Friends of the Fallbrook Library puts on a fundraising event, Advancing Children’s Literacy, at 1 p.m. Nov. 12 in the library, 124 S. Mission Road, with hors d’oeuvres, a hosted wine bar and a silent auction along with author talks. Proceeds will go to the library’s children’s programs, including distribution of free books to local kids from the library’s bookstore, the Bottom Shelf, beginning in January. Three bestselling Southern California authors, Thomas Perry, Susan Strait and T. Jefferson Parker, will speak and sign books. Meet with the authors and bid on a chance to appear in their upcoming novels. Tickets for the event are $50 and may be purchased at fallbrooklibraryfriends.org or at the Bottom Shelf. Email kreilenancy@gmail.com.
Free series on Oaxacan culture
The Oceanside Public Library hosts a free series of family-friendly workshops and events this month and in December celebrating Oaxacan culture, “Creando Memorias en Oceanside.” An Origin Story Art Workshop is from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Crown Heights Community Resource Center, led by Oceanside artist and muralist Sandra Carmona, who will guide attendees as they create artwork. Visit oceansidelibrary.org.
Concert features Ukrainian Mosaic Orchestra
A concert featuring the internationally renowned Ukrainian Mosaic Orchestra, formerly known as the Los Angeles Balalaika Orchestra, will start at 3 p.m. Nov. 12, presented by the Encinitas Friends of the Arts at the Oceanside Performing Arts Center, 1 Pirates Cove, in downtown Oceanside. The orchestra of 40 musicians plays traditional East European folk instruments such as the balalaika, domra, bayan and gusli. The orchestra will present a program of music from Ukraine and around the world. The concert will also feature folk dancers Larissa Nazarenko and Nikita PilipkoPilipko, with guest singers and instrumentalists from Ukraine, including Grammy-award winner Andrei Pidkivka. The director is Iryna Orlova and music arranger is Anatoliy Mamalyga, graduates of the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music. Proceeds go to North County arts education programs for youths and public art. Tickets are $40; $25 for children ages 12 and younger. Visit encinitasarts.org.
Museum of Art hosts special exhibit
The Oceanside Museum of Art hosts its 2023-24 Artist Alliance Biennial, featuring a display of 75 artworks by 62 members of the Artist Alliance, an affiliate group of OMA members, at the museum, 704 Pier View Way. The exhibit runs from Nov. 18 to March 31, juried by Jonathon Glus, executive director for the city of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture. The Artist Alliance Biennial will kick off with an Exhibition Celebration from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 18, when the winner of the biennial will be announced. This event will also celebrate two concurrent exhibitions at OMA: “Listening to the Unheard/Drawing the Unseen: Meditations on Presence and Absence in Native Lands” and “Deena Altman: Female Rising.” Visit oma-online.org/artist-alliance.
Annual Bowl for the Blind fundraiser
The 37th annual Bowl for the Blind, sponsored by the Oceanside Sea Lions, will be held at 12:45 p.m. Nov. 18 at Surf Bowl, 1401 S. Coast Highway. Net event proceeds go to the Vista Blind Center, Guide Dogs for the Blind and the Blind Stokers Club. Tournament winners receive trophies and there will be a raffle. The 2023 Miss Oceanside queens and princesses are set to attend. Register at oceansidesealionsclub.com for $35 before Nov. 18; includes three games including shoes; $40 day of event.
Nominees sought for MLK Community Service Award
The city of Oceanside is seeking nominees for the 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Service Award. The award recognizes residents who have made a significant contribution through their volunteer efforts to improve community life. The annual award started more 30 years ago, and is named in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. in recognition of his contributions. Oceanside residents or members of the U.S. armed forces based at Camp Pendleton can be nominated for the award. The deadline to return nomination forms is 5 p.m. Nov. 30. The 2024 nominees will be recognized and the award recipient will be announced at the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Breakfast. Nomination forms are at bit.ly/3s96Nid. For questions, email mlkserviceaward@oceansideca.org.
Climate change topic of talk
The American Association of University Women Poway-Penasquitos will host guest speaker Scott Murray, a leader at the Climate Reality Project and former chairman of Public Policy at SanDiego350, at the club’s meeting from noon to 1 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Eastview Community Center, 17520 Drayton Hall Way. Murray will discuss climate change and solutions. A light lunch will be served starting at 11 a.m. RSVP to aauwboard@gmail.com.
Archaeology project subject of talk
The Rancho Bernardo Historical Society Speakers Series presents Seth Mallios, university history curator, professor of anthropology and director of the South Coastal Information Center at San Diego State University, who will speak on “The Latest Findings of the Nathan Harrison Historical Archaeology Project” at 11 a.m. Nov. 11 at the Rancho Bernardo History Museum in the Bernardo Winery, 13330 Paseo Del Verano Norte. Admission is free. Visit rbhistory.org.
Church holds food drive Nov. 4
Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church is sponsoring a drive-thru grocery collection from 9 to 11 a.m. Nov. 4 at the church, 17010 Pomerado Road. Collections will go to the 4 Community Care food pantry in 4S Ranch, which provides groceries to seniors and families living in low-income housing within the Poway Unified School District boundaries. To volunteer, email 4cc.volunteer@gmail.com.
Parkinson’s Support Group meets Nov. 6
The Inland North County Parkinson’s Support Group for people with Parkinson’s disease and their care partners meets from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 6 at San Rafael Church, 17252 Bernardo Center Drive, in the Parish Hall. The featured speaker is Nancy Floodberg, who will give a presentation on “Aware and Care Preparation for Hospital Visits.” Discussion sessions will follow the presentation. Call (760) 749-8234 or (760) 518-1963.
Human trafficking subject of talk
The Rancho Bernardo Chapter of the Brandeis National Committee hosts Deputy District Attorney Flavio Nominati, who will speak on human trafficking in the city of San Diego at 1 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Rancho Bernardo Community Center, Glassman Building, 18448 W. Bernardo Drive. The cost is $15 and will include refreshments. RSVP at (858) 487-8041.
Garden club accepting grant proposals
The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club is accepting grant proposals from neighborhood community-based, nonprofits in San Diego County. Proposed projects must address initiatives that carry out the mission of the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club and support efforts to develop charitable horticulture, botany, farming and conservation activities. Grant applicants can request up to $10,000 for the proposed project. The deadline to submit applications is Dec. 15. Applications and instructions are at rsfgardenclub.org or email natalie@rsfgardenclub.org.
Walk N’ Talk hike at Santa Ysabel trail
The San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy hosts a Walk N’ Talk from 9 a.m. to noon Nov. 9 at the Santa Ysabel Lower Truck Trail as part of the Coast-to-Crest Trail Challenge series, bringing participants one hike closer to finishing the challenge and earning their challenge patch and certificate. Meet at the Orosco Ridge Trailhead, Forest Route 12S04 in Ramona. Visit sdrvc.org/events.
5K walk/run to help the homeless
The nonprofit HomeAid San Diego holds its fifth annual STEP UP! Walk to End Homelessness at 8 a.m. Nov. 12 at De Anza Cove in Mission Bay Park, 3000 N. Mission Bay Drive. The nonprofit provides services to mitigate homelessness in San Diego County. The 5K walk/run benefits HomeAid San Diego’s building projects, community outreach and advocacy efforts. The nonprofit is also hosting a blanket drive benefiting PATH (People Assisting The Homeless), which is collecting new blankets. Register at homeaidsd.org.
Veterans of Foreign War Posts collecting food
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Humana and Feeding San Diego are holding a food drive, “Uniting to Combat Hunger,” through Nov. 10. Community members can drop off nonperishable food items at participating VFW locations throughout the county (visit feedingsandiego.org/vfw). Food will support military families and veterans through Feeding San Diego’s Feeding Heroes initiative. The food donations will also help raise money for local posts to repair post equipment. For every pound of food collected, the VFW Foundation with Humana will donate $1 to the post, up to $1,500 per post. The public can also use Instacart to donate by using the Community Carts function at bit.ly/3QFiCpw.
Fundraiser party to benefit It’s All About the Kids Foundation
The Original Giver (OG) Party to benefit San Diego-based It’s All About the Kids Foundation is set for 7 to 10 p.m. Nov. 9 at Batta Fulkerson Law Group headquarters, 1899 McKee St. The party brings together “Original Givers” and new supporters; event proceeds help the charity provide fresh produce, nonperishable food, diapers and other essentials to kids and their families throughout San Diego County. The “old-school hip-hop house party” includes hosted food, drinks, dancing, a DJ and live entertainment along with a raffle, a silent auction and best-dressed contests for individuals and couples. Supporters are asked to donate a minimum of $65 at bit.ly/TheOGParty. Visit itsallaboutthekids.org.
San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival
The San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival featuring dozens of events, hundreds of domestic and international wineries, craft beer and local culinary masterpieces is from Nov. 6-12. The festival includes the Grand Decant on Nov. 10, Grand Tasting at the Port of San Diego on Nov. 11 and Grand Fiesta on Nov. 12. Visit sandiegowineclassic.com.
Benefit concert honors firefighters
A benefit concert honoring local firefighters will be held at 8 p.m. Nov. 10 at Moonshine Beach, hosted by Coors Banquet and headlined by country music star Joe Nichols, to raise money for the Wildland Firefighter Foundation. The concert is for ages 21 and older. Doors open at 7 p.m. Cost is $20-$75. Visit wffoundation.org/events.
Special needs access to Fleet Science Center
Early access to the Fleet Science Center for community members who need a low-sensory experience is at 9 a.m. Nov. 18 as part of Accessibility Mornings offered the third Saturday of the month at the center, 1875 El Prado, in Balboa Park. Visitors can view galleries in a quieter setting, an hour before the museum opens to the public, and a special documentary screening with lights on and lower volume is at 10 a.m. Admission is free for one guest and one chaperone. Visit fleetscience.org or call (619) 685-5743.

Participants at the local TOPS Rally in El Cajon.
(Photo courtesy of Linda Knarreborg
Weight-loss support group marks 75th anniversary, will hold open house in Clairemont
This year marks the 75th anniversary of nonprofit TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). The international weight-loss support club formed in 1948 has 6,000 chapters with 66,000 members around the world. As part of the 75th anniversary, a local TOPS Fall Rally was held recently representing 15 chapters in San Diego County, ranging from Clairemont, Ocean Beach, Mira Mesa, San Carlos and Santee to Oceanside, Poway, Chula Vista, National City and Escondido. TOPS weekly meetings offer peer support to live a healthy lifestyle. The local chapter in Clairemont will host an open house Nov. 13 for anyone interested in developing a healthier lifestyle. There will be a short presentation on “Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies” at 8:30 a.m. Nov. 13 at St. Mark’s Methodist Church in the fellowship hall, 3502 Clairemont Drive. Visitors are welcome. Visit tops.org or email jchigh792@gmail.com or call (619) 816-5340.
Upcoming blood drives
The San Diego Blood Bank will hold blood drives in the following parking lots (unless otherwise noted):
- Starbucks, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 4 at 4227 Genesee Ave., San Diego.
- Church of Christ, noon to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 5 at 1820 Rios Ave., Chula Vista.
- Ohr Shalom Synagogue, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 5 at 2512 Third Ave., in front of St. Paul’s at Laurel Street and Third, San Diego.
- Point Loma High School, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 7 in small gym at 2335 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego.
- Sweetwater Union High School, 9 to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 8 at 2900 Highland Ave, National City.
- Castle Park High School, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 9 in Student Union, 1395 Hilltop Drive, Chula Vista.
- Cajon Valley Union School District, 9:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Nov. 9 at 189 Roanoke Road, El Cajon.
- Barons Market, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 10 at 4001 W. Point Loma Blvd., parked on Groton Street, San Diego.
- Journey Community Church, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at 8363 Center Drive, La Mesa.
- St. Brigid Catholic Church, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at 4735 Cass St., parked on Missouri Street, San Diego.
Donors must be 17 and older, weigh at least 114 pounds, and be in good health. Photo identification is required. To make an appointment or find more drives, call (800) 469-7322 or visit sandiegobloodbank.org. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Paws for Patriots for military families
Helen Woodward Animal Center and KayBella Cares will cover the adoption fees of pets for approved military families from Nov. 9-13, while supplies last. The military adoption discount applies to active duty, reserve and veterans of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard and immediate family members. Visit animalcenter.org.
Car wash holding Pets and Vets campaign
Soapy Joe’s Car Wash invites community members to submit a photo of their veteran or a favorite pet at soapyjoescarwash.com/Pets-And-Vets and Soapy Joe’s will donate $1 to Support the Enlisted Project (STEP) and the Helen Woodward Animal Center through Nov. 11. The prize is a free personalized air freshener made with the submitted photo and a Magic Joe Car Wash.
VetArt offers free classes for veterans, holds open house
Locally based nonprofit Veterans Art Project hosts a free Raku Night and open house with a potluck dinner for service members, their families and caregivers from 6 to 10 p.m. Nov. 10 at 2422 Cades Way. Bring a dish to share for the potluck. The nonprofit hosts free fall classes for service members, their families, and caregivers. Visit vetart.org.
Senior center honors veterans
A program honoring veterans and family members will be held at noon Nov. 10 at the Gloria McClellan Senior Center’s Park Terrace Cafe, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive. A $4 contribution for lunch is suggested for guests 60 and older; $8 fee for guests 59 and younger. Transportation can be provided for Vista seniors older than 60 with 48-hour advance notice. RSVP by Nov. 8 at (760) 643-5288.
Vista Hiring Fair for job seekers
The Vista Chamber of Commerce presents a Vista Hiring Fair from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 8 in the Morris B. Vance Community Room at the Vista Civic Center, 200 Civic Center Drive. The fair connects participants with hiring managers. There will also be tips on résumé building and networking on LinkedIn. Admission is free. Visit business.vistachamber.org.
If your nonprofit would like to submit an event listing or photos of events that have happened recently, please email linda.mcintosh@sduniontribune.com. Include the name of the group, date and time of event, address, cost and contact information for readers within the email text. Photos should be sent as JPEGs. Include the names of those in the photos from left to right along with the photo credit and permission from the photographer to use the photo in The San Diego Union-Tribune.