She said: “They’ll just be chasing up debts from people who cannot do another increase in bills.
“Piling more debt onto people who are struggling to pay will just lead to more cost to the council in the long run because if you do not have the money you cannot pay it, simple as that.”
Fiona believes there needs to be a rethink of how local councils are funded and how council tax is collected as the current system is “clearly not working”.
She said: “It’s literally unsustainable, there really does need to be an inclusive discussion on how we are funding things. We need to ask what are the core things we need to be paid for by the council and that everyone in the local community needs to contribute to.”
Fiona highlighted that services that were considered vital needed to be noted, and discussions on what services could be paid for should be had.
She also noted that the size of local councils could be looked at and reduced and more outreach and community involvement in big decisions could be introduced.
Fiona added: “These decisions have to be made otherwise the entire system will topple over.”
Fiona explained how she loves her area and she is very proud of her community but what she wasn’t proud of was the decisions of her local council and she would like things to change, not just for her council, but for all councils across the UK.
She said: “I love the town, I don’t want anyone to think that I don’t, it’s got a diverse and lovely population, its history is so interesting yet here we are with a small vision, and it’s just not doing us any good short term let alone the long term.