Top Flight has been heavily featured in AEW and ROH’s tag team divisions. However, while they might seem like a natural fit on the roster due to their in-ring abilities, they signed with AEW after Darius Martin emailed the company’s EVPs to try and get him and his brother a job.
“It was just kind of like, ‘Hey, I’m really interested in what AEW is doing, and I’m a really big fan of how you guys are being an alternative and everything, and we’d love to be a part of it,'” he said on “Talk Is Jericho.” “So, I sent a little highlight video, and [Matt Jackson] got back to me, which blew my mind, and said he was interested. He brought us down, and we worked Stu and Uno in our first match. We did a couple of Darks and then we ended up doing The Bucks match on TV, that was our first match on TV. We got signed after that.”
After competing against The Young Bucks, they were jumped by TH2, but little did they know that was about to be their first storyline. The brothers took their places in the crowd afterward, which is what AEW was doing at the time due to COVID-19, but TH2 was scheduled to wrestle next, which is when Tony Khan called them to the back over the tannoy system.
“We just thought we were called back just to not be in the shot as TH2 was coming in and making their entrance,” Martin said. “But we actually ended up coming back, and CD was right there, Christopher Daniels, and right there he told us that we were getting signed, and we were also running out after the match.”
If you use any quotes from this article, please credit “Talk Is Jericho” with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.