New data from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) reveals that 3.5 million people across Great Britain, including nearly 219,000 in Scotland, are now claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP). This is the highest number of people ever to receive this disability benefit.
However, this total doesn’t include the 109,385 Scots who have switched from PIP to Adult Disability Payment (ADP).
But, those applying for PIP for the first time might not know that the length of a successful award can be different for everyone. The shortest award lasts nine months, while the longest is an ongoing award with a review every 10 years.
The 2024 PIP Handbook says: “The length of award will be based upon each claimant’s individual circumstances.”
It’s important to remember that the DWP may also review your award regularly, “regardless of the length of the award”, to make sure “everyone continues to receive the most appropriate level of support”, reports the Daily Record.
Some claimants may be given a fixed-term award of up to two years. Awards with no review date are given to people whose health is likely to get better.
Rules are different for those nearing the end of their lives who will receive awards for three years and all will get the higher rate for daily living. How much they get for mobility relies on how hard it is for them to get around.
Ongoing awards that have ‘light touch’ reviews
A ‘light touch’ review is for claimants who have:
- very stable needs which are unlikely to change over time
- high level needs which will either stay the same or get worse
- a planned award review date due on or at State Pension age
- a special rules for end of life claim due when of State Pension age
Guidance from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) says: “These claimants would not usually be expected to have a face-to-face assessment at review.”
At the moment, a successful Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Attendance Allowance (AA) claim can mean an extra £26.90 to £172.75 per week. As this benefit gets paid every four weeks, that’s between £107.60 and £691.00 each pay period.
But from April 8, 2024, payments may rise by 6.7 per cent.
Your weekly PIP / AA payment rates for the year 2024/25
Daily Living Component
- Enhanced: £108.55 (from £101.75)
- Standard: £72.65 (from £68.10)
Mobility Component
- Enhanced: £75.75 (from £71.00)
- Standard: £28.70 (from £26,90)
The amount of PIP you receive depends on how difficult you find everyday tasks like cooking and eating meals, washing and getting dressed, using the loo, basic needs and getting around.
Breaking down PIP awards
Most PIP awards have a set timeline – the end date is stated in your decision letter. However, the DWP can contact you to review a PIP claim, even if there’s still some time left on the PIP award.
PIP awards that last up to two years are given when it is believed that the person will significantly improve.
Awards that last between 5 to 10 years are given when changes in the person’s condition could happen but are less likely.
In the summer of 2018, the DWP announced that people who receive the highest level of PIP – and have severe or conditions that worsen over time where their needs are expected to remain the same or increase – will get an ongoing PIP award with a ‘light touch’ review every 10 years.
Before your award ends, you’ll be asked to apply to renew your claim. You might be asked to fill out a shorter PIP review form (AR1), which focuses on changes in your circumstances.
Alternatively, you might be asked to fill out the PIP2 form again.
What happens if my condition changes?
Your PIP award might change if something in your life changes. For example, if your health improves, your PIP might decrease or stop.
If your health deteriorates, your PIP award might increase.
It’s your responsibility to inform the DWP when your condition improves or worsens. If you don’t tell the DWP at the time, you could miss out on benefits that you should get or you could be given too many benefits that you would have to pay back.
What happens if I end up in hospital?
If you are 18 or over, your PIP stops after you have been a patient in hospital for 28 consecutive days. It starts again after you have been discharged.
What happens if I go into a care home?
The daily living part of your PIP stops after you’ve been in a care home for 28 days. It starts again if and when you leave to live on your own.
The mobility part of PIP continues to be paid as usual, no matter how long you stay in a care home.
What happens as I get older?
Getting older doesn’t stop your PIP award but it can stop you from renewing your claim or making a new one.
If you’re over State Pension age and you want your PIP to continue, make sure you renew your claim when your current award ends.
There are currently 650,801 people over State Pension age claiming PIP across the country.
If you’re over State Pension age and your last award of PIP ended over a year ago, you can’t renew your claim or make a new one. However, you may be able to claim Attendance Allowance instead but this doesn’t include a mobility part – find out more here.
For more information about PIP, visit the GOV. UK website here.