A household’s fridge could be boosting their energy bill by as much as £580, Energy Saving Trust (EST) has said.
Those looking to cut costs should be checking their appliances are running as smoothly and efficiently as possible, and a telltale sign to see if the fridge is guzzling a large amount of power can be found on the energy label.
According to EST, energy label scales range from A to G, and choosing a higher-rated fridge freezer can have a “significant” impact on its running costs.
EST said: “Choosing an A-rated fridge freezer over an F-rated unit will save you about £580 (610kgCO2e) in energy bills over the 17-year lifetime of the product.”
However, the energy rating is categorised by size. This means choosing a smaller fridge will use less energy than a larger fridge with the same energy rating, and it might even use less than a higher-rated one.
EST added: “You can compare the total energy consumption of appliances by looking for their yearly energy consumption in kWh/annum – it’s displayed under the rating scale on the energy label.”
While some are not in the position to purchase a new fridge, there are additional ways people can improve the efficiency of the one they already have.
Omar Idrissi, refrigerator expert and owner of ADK Kooling, commented: “Fridges are undoubtedly one of the most common and indispensable household appliances, and given they need to be left on all day and night, ensuring yours is running as smoothly and efficiently as possible will prove beneficial financially.
“With the current cost of living crisis, everyone is looking for easy ways to save some money, and an efficient fridge will definitely help you do just that.”
Firstly, people should make sure they have their fridge set to the right temperature. Mr Idrissi said: “Make sure the temperatures in your refrigerator are set to the correct levels. Generally speaking, the refrigerator should be set at 3C to 4C.”
Next, carry out a deep clean – and don’t forget to check the seals. Mr Idrissi said: “The fridge may have to work harder if the condenser coils have dust and debris on them. Use a vacuum cleaner or a brush to clean them at least twice a year.
“The freezer and refrigerator doors’ seals [should be] airtight. If you can easily take a note out after closing the door, the seals may need to be replaced.”
People can also organise the contents side the fridge to improve ventilation, and subsequently improve efficiency.
Mr Idrissi said: “Avoid packing it too tightly because doing so can lower the appliance’s efficiency. Know your refrigerator’s temperature ranges. Usually, the shelves at the top are warmer, the shelves in the centre are a little cooler, and the shelves at the bottom are the coldest. The area that is warmest is the door shelves.
“Perishable foods like meat, poultry, and fish should be kept in the coldest section of the refrigerator, which is often the bottom shelf. Put these things in airtight jars or bags that can be sealed.”
People should also try to make sure any food and liquids are covered. According to Mr Idrissi, this will prevent moisture from evaporating, subsequently making the compressor work harder to maintain the proper temperature.
A similar rule applies to placing hot foods in the fridge. Mr Idrissi explained: “Before putting hot foods in the refrigerator, let them cool to room temperature. The compressor may have to work harder because hot objects can raise the internal temperature.”
And finally, Mr Idrissi said: “Use the Energy-Saving Mode. You can switch on the energy-saving mode on some refrigerators when you don’t need to use it as regularly, as while you’re away from home.”