A fence shared between neighbours can be a contentious issue. A woman took to Mumsnet to seek some advice about her nightmare neighbour and their fence feud.
She explained that she and her husband had decided to build an office at the end of their garden in place of an “eyesore” concrete area.
Her husband was excited for this pretty addition but some annoying neighbours have now scuppered their plans.
She claimed: “The issue is the neighbour to that side has loads of decorations and stuff on the fence.
“They’re tied really unattractively to my fence (it is our fence) and paper decorations and dream catchers and random bits and bobs strung along her side blow over and hangs on mine and even just all the string wrapped around loads of times looks really messy on my side.”
While the Mumsnet poster admitted it is a “minor” issue, she wasn’t sure whether to leave the problem alone or confront her neighbours about it.
She asked the forum: “Do I just get over myself and ignore, or do I remove the stuff?”
The woman added: “It’s actually the back fence of my garden and the side fence of theirs, they’re on another street, so not a direct neighbour we actually know.”
Mumsnet flocked to the comments section to provide some advice. One advised: “If I were you I’d have an ‘accident’ with your hedge trimmer or pruners that cuts all the string.
“Keep all the rubbish that falls on your side for a week or so as I think legally you are obliged to offer them back to her, but if she doesn’t ask, get rid.”
Another commented: “Just cut them loose… Why wouldn’t you? Next-door neighbours firstly attacked our new fence with a claw hammer which resulted in a solicitor’s letter to them. Then they hung plastic bunting up. Then thank f*** they moved!”
But not everyone was so sympathetic, with some advising her to drop the issue. One suggested: “Sounds annoying but relatively inconsequential.
“Would be a shame to antagonise them into then hanging windchimes and other far more annoying stuff within earshot.”
Another seconded this: “I strongly advise you not to fall out with them over this, leave it and don’t mention it at all.
On your side cover it up with climbing plants or bamboo screening or whatever.
“IT WILL make things awkward if you bring it up it is not worth it. Find a cosmetic way to hide it and make your view better and let it go. Yes, legally they shouldn’t, etc but it will also put a dent in your relationship… no matter how nicely you ask.”