A fitness coach known as the ‘Glute King’ asked his followers of 17,000 people (and growing): “Do you suffer from flat butt syndrome?”
While genetics are said to “play a big role” in the appearance of a flat bottom, Glute King said: “It’s not a life sentence.”
Glute King added: “If you want to change this into a nice, plumpy butt… listen to me.”
There is one exercise he strongly recommends to help grow those glutes if you have access to a local gym.
Known as the “cable kickback”, a woman in the video demonstrates the technique.
“I love this move,” said Glute King, who explained that a cable kickback concentrates specifically on the top of the glutes to give it a “rounded, firmer shape”.
Glute King wants viewers to pay special attention to the posture of the woman demonstrating the cable kickback.
“Notice the position of her body,” said Glute King. “She’s nice and hinged over, and she’s using that pole in front of her to stabilise herself.”
Glute King added: “She’s kicking that heel back and up, towards the sky.”
The fitness coach recommended his followers save the video demonstration.
Therefore, the next time you’re at the gym, you can find the machine that helps you to do cable kickbacks.
One follower, Kim Blackburn-Ausel rightly asked: “Any tips for working out glutes at home?”
On YouTube, the channel Fabulous50s has a 10-minute “booty burn” workout you can do at home.
Exercise moves, shown by Shelly on the YouTube channel, include squats, lunges and kickbacks you can do at home.
Kickbacks at home only require a stable ledge to lean against, such as a table.
The move involves lifting the leg back as far as it would go, up towards the ceiling, using the glute muscles.
By repeating the move on each leg, you will build muscle in the glutes and banish a flat bottom over time.