Low earners are due to pay up to £401 more tax in the next financial year compared to if tax thresholds kept pace with inflation, analysts have said.
This comes despite the upcoming cuts in National Insurance (NI) announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget, which will see the rate reduced from 12 percent to 10 percent next year, giving low earners a tax break of £209.
Calculations by investing platform interactive investor found average earners (£32,000pa+) are due to pay £124 more tax next year, despite the £486 saving made from NI cuts.
Meanwhile, high earners (£50,000pa+) can expect to still pay £381 extra tax next year due to frozen thresholds. The calculations were based on the current inflation rate of 4.6 percent.
Alice Guy, head of pensions and savings at interactive investor, said: “Fiscal drag is a ruthless and silently effective tax policy and leads to us all feeling a lot poorer over time.”
Fiscal drag works by freezing tax thresholds so that more income is taxed at a higher rate as wages rise with inflation.
Tax thresholds are currently expected to remain frozen at current levels until 2028, which means taxpayers will face a larger tax bill as thresholds lag behind inflation.
Ms Guy said: “Frozen tax thresholds have a devasting impact on those earning just below a tax threshold, with low earners paying the biggest price.
“Fiscal drag is painful for all of us, but high and middle earners will benefit slightly more from the National Insurance cut, than low earners. However, everyone will still pay a lot more tax overall.”
Myron Jobson, senior personal finance analyst at interactive investor, said: “The cut to class National Insurance while maintaining the deep freeze in tax thresholds amounts to giving with one hand and taking away with the other.
“Unfortunately for workers, the pendulum will increasingly swing against them over time as wages grow while tax thresholds remain unchanged.”
Mr Jobson described fiscal drag as a “sneaky tax grab”, which is set to be a “money spinner” for the Government, estimated to raise £42.9billion by 2027 to 2028 according to the OBR.
This would cost the average worker £124 next tax year according to interactive investor’s calculations – despite the reduction in NI.
Mr Jobson added: “It is the ultimate stealth tax which is a difficult pill to swallow at a time when so many are still reeling from the cost of living budget squeeze.”
Ms Guy said those who can afford it may want to consider paying more into their pension as a “simple way” to reduce their personal tax burden.
She said: “Some employers will allow you to pay into a workplace pension through salary sacrifice. This arrangement allows employers to reduce employees’ salaries and pay the equivalent amount as pension contributions. Basic-rate taxpayers get 20 percent pension tax relief, turning an £80 contribution into £100.”
Ms Guy added: “If you are a higher-rate taxpayer, you could reclaim an additional 20 percent tax on your pension contributions, for a total of 40 percent tax relief.”
What are the current income tax thresholds?
Income tax is the Government’s main source of revenue, which deducts a certain amount from an individual’s annual earnings or profits.
The rate of income tax paid depends on how much a person earns and the tax band they fall into. Most people have a personal allowance, amounting to £12,570 in the 2022/23 financial year, which allows them to earn up to this amount tax-free.
However, those who earn over the personal allowance will be taxed on the amount of earnings that call into each bracket, ranging between 20 percent, 40 percent, and 45 percent. The following thresholds are expected to remain frozen until 2028:
- Personal Allowance: Up to £12,570 – zero percent
- Basic rate: £12,571 to £50,270 – 20 percent
- Higher rate: £50,271 to £125,140 – 40 percent
- Additional rate: Over £125,140 – 45 percent.