I believe that much of what happens in our lives is the product of sheer chance, the result of larger, unpredictable forces colliding to create circumstances that shape and direct our lives.
Like luck.
If you think you’re lucky, you probably are. And if you think you are unlucky, you probably are. Years ago, Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”
Attitude matters, especially when you’re interviewing for your next opportunity. Negativity about yourself in any setting comes through loud and clear, and it never helps.
I have limited patience with job-seekers who come to me and complain about all the bad luck they’ve had to deal with, blaming that on why they can’t seem to get hired.
It’s so obvious in an interview when the applicant gives the impression that they know they’re not going to get hired. That’s when the pity party starts and doesn’t end. You can tell they just want to get the interview over.
It’s as if they say, “No one has hired me yet, and I know you’re not going to hire me, so let’s get this over as fast as we can.”
Believe me, these kinds of negative thoughts and emotions will adversely impact both your career and your personal life for a long time.
How you choose to react to what happens to you
I’m also a believer in the axiom that life is 10% about what happens to you, good and bad, and 90% about how you choose to react to what happens to you.
I thrive around positive, upbeat people, those who view their proverbial glass as half-full, even running over the top. That’s how they approach bumps in the road.
These are my favorite “lucky” people, those who have positive things to say about themselves. They’re naturally more happy than sad. They tend to laugh at themselves. They don’t take themselves too seriously.
They’re not afraid to take chances or explore new opportunities. They tend to be healthy and have plenty of friends. They’re ambitious, confident, creative, curious, fun to be around.
More often than not, they’re successful.
Another trait of these “lucky” people is that they’re rarely critical or envious of others’ success. They’re forgiving of weaknesses or flaws or mistakes, including their own. They generally go out of their way to find the positive in any situation.
Maybe that sounds too Pollyannaish.
But through my own life’s ups and downs, thankfully many more ups, two prevailing tenets have guided my view of the world:
· Whatever happens to you, make it work for you. When something goes wrong, don’t blame others. And try not to blame yourself too much.
· Try to get through each day by making smart, focused decisions, large and small, that lead to positive outcomes. Soon enough, they’ll add up.
You’re either working or looking to get hired
Generally speaking, it’s said that only 40% of workers enjoy what they do for a living. They rise and shine each morning, do whatever it is they do and they usually come home feeling like they’ve done something worthwhile.
The flip side of the workaday grind isn’t so appealing. Anger. Resentment. Conflict. Blame. Shame. Drudgery. Every day like the next, with no end in sight.
It’s all about getting that paycheck, and the weekend can’t come fast enough.
Since about half of our waking lives are spent working, I believe it’s paramount that what we do for a living, how we earn a living, and how we feel about what we do five days a week, 40 hours a week — sometimes less, often more — is something we truly enjoy.
At least most of the time.
Looking ahead, I want you to be able to say that your career was a great achievement, maybe the greatest of your life. And that you did everything you could to make it that way.
Because there’s nothing else besides working for a living that provides as many financial rewards and as much security, and also imbues us with a greater sense of pride, accomplishment, and fulfillment.
And if you’re as lucky as I’ve been, enjoyment.
Blair is co-founder of Manpower Staffing. pblair@manpowersd.com