People exchanged 105 firearms for gift cards at a San Diego County Sheriff’s Department’s gun buy-back event Saturday in Encinitas.
Individuals received a $100 card for handguns, rifles or shotguns, and a $200 card for assault-style weapons or ghost guns. About 20 cable locks and 35 gun-safety lock boxes were distributed during the event at Encinitas City Hall.
All weapons collected will be processed, and any found to be involved in crime will be followed up on by the appropriate law enforcement agency, according to a Sheriff’s Department news release.
If any firearms are found to be stolen, efforts will be made to contact the original owners. All remaining weapons will be destroyed as required by law.
The Sheriff’s Department holds the buybacks periodically around the county. Last year 377 firearms were turned in at a single event in Vista. Both functioning and non-functioning firearms are accepted, but only functioning ones are eligible for gift cards.
Unwanted weapons also can be turned in at any sheriff’s station or substation. For everyone’s safety, the weapons should be kept unloaded in the trunk of the vehicle until further instructions are received from a deputy.