San Diegans from thousands of households impacted by the flood on Jan. 22 are being encouraged to sign up for aid through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The aid, which has an upcoming application deadline, may assist residents in securing more long-term housing and fund rental assistance, home repairs and other costs incurred by flood damage. Residents have until April 19 to apply.
Here’s everything they need to know.
Am I eligible for FEMA funding?
The Biden administration made an emergency disaster declaration for California on Feb. 19, making federal funding available for San Diego County and allowing all qualified residents to apply for FEMA assistance.
Eligibility is based on several factors, including an applicant’s necessary expenses or needs after the disaster that aren’t covered by insurance, or if their insurance doesn’t cover enough — or any — of their expenses. Residents can submit receipts with their application to show expenses.
How do I apply?
Before applying, applicants will need to have the following information ready: a Social Security number (one per household), the address of the damaged residence, description of the damage, a telephone number, mailing address, email address for notifications, insurance information if applicable and a bank account and routing number for direct deposit.
There are several ways to apply, including online at DisasterAssistance.gov.
People can also apply by using the FEMA mobile app or by calling 1-800-621-3362, which is available from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily with multilingual operators
Apply in person at the two disaster recovery centers in San Diego County, located at the Mountain View Recreation Center, 641 S. Boundary St., and Spring Valley County Library, 836 Kempton St. Both are open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Maria Padron, a FEMA spokesperson, said that three FEMA disaster survivor assistance teams are also going door-to-door to encourage residents to apply for aid.
What happens next?
Applicants should expect to hear from a FEMA inspector within 10 days to discuss the damage. Padron said the inspector will call three times before an application is withdrawn, though rescheduling is possible if the applicant reaches out to request another appointment.
FEMA calls may appear under a “Scam Likely” or out-of-state phone number. If applicants miss the call, they can call the number back or call the helpline at 1-800-621-3362.
The inspector will verify home ownership or rental agreements, as well as check the items that have been damaged and determine the height of the watermark in the home. If residents have already started cleaning and repairing their home, the inspector will need to see photos and receipts for the work already done to verify the damage.
So far, FEMA has completed more than 4,500 inspection visits, Padron said.
FEMA will send out decision letters to applicants via mail or through their DisasterAssistance.gov account. The letter will outline how a household can spend the financial assistance, which will be deposited into the applicant’s bank account or sent via check.
What can the funding be used for and how soon can I access it?
Depending on the needs outlined in a household’s application, disaster assistance grants can be used for housing assistance, including rental assistance, temporary lodging, home repairs or replacement. Households may also use the funding for other costs related to flood damage that aren’t covered by insurance, such as damage to personal property, transportation, funeral costs, medical care and child care.
FEMA encourages households to save receipts for at least three years to show how the funds were used in the case of a future audit.
My application was denied, or I didn’t receive enough financial assistance. How do I appeal?
There are a few reasons why an application may be denied, Padron said, such as if it’s missing a signature or if the applicant didn’t attach receipts for the work already done on their home.
They also may be denied if they didn’t schedule an appointment with the FEMA inspector, or if the resident did not report sufficient damage to their home. FEMA may also deny an application if officials are unable to verify a resident’s identity.
If the application is denied, flood victims have 60 days to appeal FEMA’s decision. Submit an appeal online through the DisasterAssistance.gov account; by mail to FEMA National Processing Service Center, P.O. Box 10055, Hyattsville, MD 20782-7055; or via fax to 800-827-8112 (Attention FEMA).
Along with a written appeal letter, applicants must also attach any documentation that supports their case, such as an insurance settlement or denial, receipts, contractor estimates or mechanic statements.
FEMA funding is only offered to documented citizens. What if I am undocumented?
FEMA assistance is limited to U.S. citizens, but a household may still qualify if an adult member of the household is a U.S. citizen and is able to certify their citizenship status during the registration process.
In another case, an undocumented parent or guardian of a child — under the age of 18 — who is a U.S. citizen may apply for FEMA financial assistance on behalf of the child, if they are living in the same household.
Flood victims who are undocumented can also go to one of the two disaster recovery centers and speak with a representative from Voluntary Organizations Assisting in Disasters (VOAD), who can help connect them with community financial resources, identify their needs and eligibility and help connect them with construction resources to rebuild their homes.
I need help with my application or have additional questions. Who can I turn to?
There is a free legal clinic for flood victims offered every Wednesday for the next three months at 7 p.m. at The Mental Bar (6325 Imperial Ave.), where an attorney can help applicants navigate the FEMA application and appeals process, evictions, insurance appeals and small claims.
SBP, a national disaster recovery organization, is also offering free support for applicants appealing their FEMA decision letter, as well as providing support for people who applied for an SBA loan or those who didn’t have homeowners or renter insurance. Contact SBP at 1 (800) 276-9511 or femahelp@sbpusa.org and go to sbpusa.org/gethelp for more information.
What other help is available to me?
Flood victims can access resources offered through VOAD, including free help with recovery efforts such as home clean-up, abatement and repairs.
Volunteers will be helping flood victims with clean-ups, rebuilds and more.
VOAD volunteers can also help connect residents with community resources such as food and medical and mental health support, as well as provide donated items to residents as they rebuild their homes. Register to receive services here or call (619) 673-8780.