Close relationships come under the spotlight when some moments will call for you to show tolerance, patience and understanding. Whether you are linked with someone in a business or romantic sense, make a point of being flexible and even unconventional in your thinking.
If it’s a while since you have seen a friend or relative, it is time you made the effort. With it being the season of goodwill, even if you drop by on the off-chance that they’ll be in, there’s a good chance you will receive a warm and hearty welcome.
A change of scenery will result in you feeling wonderfully refreshed and thankful. You might embrace the season of goodwill by volunteering for a charity or fund raising event. The sights, sounds and sensations that a festive event offers will allow you to shake off recent worries and cares.
You won’t mind any distractions that occur now. In fact you will welcome a chance to brush aside your usual routines in favour of joining in with activities now going on around you. A sense of urgency that has been with you recently will die down now as you start to relax into the spirit of a festive occasion.
Keep in mind the expression “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”, today. For even though you may have to put yourself out just that little bit more than usual this Christmas, your kindness will be repaid threefold should you need assistance in the New Year.
You will be asked to give your support to a dispute between trustees or group members. This will mean taking sides and since this is a subject that has caused a lot of controversy in the past, you might prefer to sit on the fence then to get involved.
Keep your wits about you if someone starts pelting you with compliments. Enjoy any flattery that comes your way but don’t allow sweet words to change your mind about decisions you have already made. If you are craving company, a creative friend or neighbour may fit the bill perfectly.
A strong need for some lively company will govern your thoughts and actions as you start to feel the sociable effects of the festive season. If you haven’t time to work on the bright ideas being discussed, at least be sure to write them down so you can return to them in the future.
At a time when money seems to evaporate before your eyes, you are determined not to let extravagance get out of hand. Without making a good imitation of Scrooge, you may need to think in a long-term sense about what will need to be paid for or bought once the season of goodwill is over.
Look behind the words and actions of others. If you’re attending a Works party, be sure to mix and mingle. Someone may be keen to guide you onto the path to success but they may not yet be in a position to openly reveal everything they know.
There will be a conspiratorial quality to the way some good news is passed on to you. Even if you feel someone who is giving you such exciting morsels of information is being a shade too secretive, you will respect their request to keep everything quiet, for now.
You possess some valuable skills and it is fast becoming acknowledged that you are the most talented person in a group setting. You need something with a competitive spirit as this keeps you alert and motivated. This is a good time to start preparing a presentation or submitting a request.