You are restless and your mind is going round in endless circles. Without a goal or firm intention, you are going nowhere. Instead of getting irritable with yourself, be still and watch life as it unfolds around you. In this way you will recognise the right opportunity for you, when it comes your way.
A situation will call for you to take matters into your own hands. Even though you are making decisions that will affect other people’s lives, you can do so with courage and confidence. People respect you because you are practical and fair. Taking charge of a team effort will bring out the best in you.
You don’t have to apologise to anyone about wanting to look after your own interests. Whether it is to spend some time on your own, making new choices or committing to new arrangements, if this is something you feel you have to do, you need no-one’s permission but your own.
Someone who recently offered to help you achieve a special aim will be in touch to let you know they were serious. Set your sights as high as you dare. With the support of the right people combined with your skills and enthusiasm, there is every chance you will be successful.
You’re tired of having to drop everything for someone who expects you to always be there for them but will only make time for you when it is convenient for them. This has got to change. When they call you up today, let them know you’re busy and it is inconvenient.
Past rejections or negative reactions make you reluctant now to discuss what is on your mind. Since then you have moved on and you have found friends who are more loving and supportive. Now that you are surrounded by optimists, this is a great time to share your thoughts and ideas.
Be sure to leave whatever it is that is going on between two relatives or friends alone. You sense they are hiding something from you but if they don’t want to share then it is none of your business. Conflict within the family will be resolved in the fullness of time.
If it is coming from your heart, you know that you are making decisions and taking action that is best for you. It isn’t the people around you and their expectations of you that are important. Trying to fit in where you don’t belong is putting you under too much pressure. Let go.
If circumstances you find yourself in no longer fulfil you or there is a growing sense of discontent, you need to make some changes. You have somehow veered away from goals that were once important to you. Think about creating an action plan that will steer you in a better direction.
How often do you make your own needs and feelings a priority? Caring for others gives you pleasure but you should also find ways to be happy in yourself. If responsibilities are becoming too burdensome, make some changes. Start taking steps toward a happier future.
Storms in life come and go and everyone responds differently. Some might hide. Some might offer support. Some may deny there is anything wrong. You will find yourself able to help someone who is struggling and move on to happier times.
Giving attention to people who take your kindness too much for granted is draining. You may have to remind someone that you were polite enough to listen to their opinions recently so now it is time for them to give you a chance to express your views.