Variety is the spice of life. You love the challenge of starting on something new but you don’t always think plans through. You have some good ideas but listen to a sensible friend who urges you to consider these more fully before putting them into action.
It isn’t often you suffer from restlessness and yet a strong need for something different could tempt you to head off in any direction that takes you away from what’s familiar. Hearing about a friend’s success in experimenting with a different way of life will inspire you to want to make changes of your own.
Finding a way to fulfil obligations while at the same time trying to keep friends and family happy won’t be easy. The pressure will eventually start to ease but for now all you can do is go along with what is being expected of you. If you aren’t happy with your job, it is time to look around for other options.
An open discussion will help you see some situations through the eyes of a trusted friend. If you have just begun a romantic partnership, there may be something about your partner you had not been made aware of. Although you will give a friend full marks for being subtle you will be glad this was brought to your attention.
Not only is this a good time to keep a lookout for special offers but it is also the right time to become involved in business activities that should, if all goes according to plan, help make your money work for you. Combined with the ripeness of time you are alert and as bright as a button.
Achieving a perfect performance will have been long in the making. You will be over the moon with today’s success. This is an immense feat and it will inspire everyone who knows you to get started on a new group project. You have really enjoyed every step of the way.
You are more energised and able to get things done especially in activities concerning the home and family. It doesn’t matter if you have to assume a relative’s responsibilities for a short while. If it helps them, you will do this willingly. You will feel welcomed wherever you go.
A team is looking for a new permanent manager. A lack of leadership makes you wonder whether you want to remain involved when currently it feels as if you’re wasting your time and effort with a group that is going nowhere. A tense situation will cause you to reassess your priorities.
Your adventurous tastes could lead you astray. You have set your sights high but are some goals currently out of your reach? This does not mean you can’t try again later but for now, you may need to lower your sights so you can be more realistic.
It is time to begin on that long awaited economy drive. Sit down with your partner and housemates to discuss your financial situation. Together you will come up with a way to bring outgoings down without lowering your standard of living.
Some time alone would do you the world of good. Give yourself the chance to escape the usual hurly burly of the working week. If you should be going into work you might feel inclined to take a day off or to at least opt for the less demanding chores of the day. Ideally you long to relax into your dreams and do something that is all your own.
If a job you are working on seems to be going all wrong, there’s no point in striving too hard. You might be trying your hand at projects of an ambitious nature. At the same time, don’t hesitate to shelve them if they aren’t flowing and don’t feel guilty about your futile efforts.