Some new kind of motivation will prompt you to book a trip to a place that has always fascinated you. Relocating suddenly sounds like a good idea when this might offer you the fresh start you are in need of. News of a job vacancy will bring renewed hope. You have a strong chance of landing this position.
You won’t have as much time as you would like to deal with a family matter that is causing everyone some concern. There are some issues you are going to have to leave for another day. Talking over problems that don’t seem to be going away will be therapeutic.
You’re making life more complicated than necessary by over analysing problems. You will never find the easiest solution while you are building everything up in your mind. Instead you need to break down difficulties into simple steps. A change of scenery will also help.
Someone with a powerful personality will be setting the pace. You seem to have no choice but to go along with them but you can always use the word no. If you’re unhappy about a situation your best plan will be to take a mental backseat. Drift along without taking part until you decide what it is you really want to do.
It will be a relief to have the chance to complete jobs you didn’t get the time for at the end of last year. Accepting any help offered will get these out of the way even faster. Emails and text messages at the end of the day will hold an important message.
You can’t not notice the tension in the air. Even if you can’t work out what is causing it, this is a sign that you should tread with care. One annoying aspect of the day is the way work progresses in fits and starts. You had hoped to make smooth progress but it will be very apparent this isn’t going to happen.
There is a fair amount of excitement, fun and exhilaration linked with the hard work you are now putting into your efforts. Others will notice an ultra-determined mood about you that is now always apparent. When they realise you mean business, you can count on friends and colleagues for their help and support.
At last you get the chance you have been waiting for to act on plans discussed before Christmas. There may still be a degree of secrecy linked to these arrangements as you don’t want the wrong people to hear what you are up to or they could voice some loud objections.
Opportunity knocks. Accept an offer, challenge or opportunity and this should have pleasing financial consequences. Be flexible and be ready to have to come up with some imaginative ideas. You should also be prepared for the need to make some instant decisions.
It won’t be sensible to discuss important issues if someone isn’t feeling well or is upset, angry or disappointed about something. Leave others to sort out their private problems on their own. They won’t want you to interfere. Once this little episode is over they will be in a better mood to talk.
An ambitious plan will hit on a set-back early on. You won’t let this deter you. In fact it will only serve to spur you on to make an even greater effort to succeed. Some people will be uncooperative. You may need to use tact and charm to bring them around to your way of thinking.
A friend will offer to do you a favour but they will want something from you in return. This may involve approaching someone who is close to you who has skills or knowledge this person wants to use. This request will make you uncomfortable and because of this you might turn down their offer, outright.