Some changes will be coming along soon and these won’t take you by surprise because they will be of your own making. A partner or housemate may accuse you of having been plotting something without their knowledge. You knew this was the only way to succeed in your intentions.
If you attend a social gathering it will be because you feel obliged to do so and not because of any pleasure you are expecting to get out of it. Someone close expects you to support them and because you owe them a big favour, you seem to have no choice.
If you aren’t concentrating on what is being said it will be easy to pick up the wrong message in one-to-one conversations. Switch off your phone if you can’t resist the temptation to keep checking messages. Someone is hoping for your undivided attention.
A new friendship or romance feels strange to you when it’s like you have known each other forever. You are certain you have found a soul-mate and before you know it, you are exchanging confidences. Is it too soon to reveal too much of yourself too quickly?
It isn’t that you are lacking in energy but you can’t keep up with all that’s going on around you because there’s too much happening too quickly. You shouldn’t be surprised to feel overwhelmed by it all. This will be a busy day for you in more ways than one.
You just want to get on with the work while others seem to prefer standing around gossiping. That’s why you will be waving goodbye to some people as soon as you encounter the first obstacle. You have no difficulty overcoming obstructions and problems and from then on, you will be going it alone.
You will prefer to absorb yourself in tasks and activities that keep you out of the limelight. If a friend who loves attention tries to drag you into the middle of it all, you will hold back and insist that they follow their inclinations while leaving you to follow yours.
You’ve been looking forward to a time when you are able to concentrate on the lighter and more enjoyable areas of your life. If forthcoming changes require discussion, you will want to get this over with as soon as possible. You will win people over with your charm and expertise.
If a get together involves a relative you cannot get on with, you will be going more out of politeness than anything else. Think again. An argument could erupt and this will upset everyone. Would it not be better to stay away?
You could never be bored when you have so much to do, lots to discuss and just as much to think about. In fact a few sleepless nights could be due to an emotional dilemma which might be best resolved through a heart to heart conversation.
You know exactly what an old friend is doing when they introduce you to someone they are sure you will get on well with. If you’re single, they are casting themselves in the role of matchmaker. You would prefer that they didn’t interfere.
You’ve been looking forward to today’s events and yet you’re feeling irritable and tetchy. You won’t want to admit to being out of sorts but you can’t help it if your health isn’t as good as it could be. You may have to postpone some arrangements until a later date.