You will be asked to organise a party or fund-raising event. You will instantly have some fun ideas to make this an occasion everyone will remember. You know all the best people to invite to make this a success and you will happily agree to be involved in planning future social events.
You may not at first be in the mood for getting out and about but once you meet up with friends and neighbours you will quickly be drawn into activities going on around you. It will be a surprisingly fun challenge to get involved in a sport or competitive event.
A youngster is playing the joker. Their tricks will backfire on them when instead of getting the laughs they wanted, they will receive an angry response. You can see how they never meant to hurt anyone and for that reason will come to their rescue.
A friend, colleague or neighbour will ask questions about a matter you consider to be no-one’s business but your own. Phrase your refusal to answer in a tactful way or the resulting hurt feelings could linger for some time to come.
Whatever may lie in store, don’t expect to be twiddling your thumbs. The hours are likely to fly by in a whirl of activity. A group or community event could be the cause of this busy time and because you’re helping with the arrangements, you will enjoy every hectic moment.
Don’t be reluctant to try something a little out of the ordinary. Events happening in your locality will interest you. So if you aren’t certain what’s going on, go out of your way to check precisely what is on offer in the way of close to home entertainment.
You’re finding it easier to put your views across when lately there have been a few misunderstandings. Even someone in the family who is known to struggle with grasping the facts of the most simple situations seems to understand you perfectly well today.
Act on a pressing need to rearrange a shared budget. If you play your cards right and choose a good moment to express your suggestions, this should result in a successful conclusion. As well as ironing out money problems, recent upsets connected to your home life will start to settle down.
It will be difficult to keep a loved one smiling. Make the effort anyway. Let others see you are willing to compromise when it comes to discussing future travel or holiday plans that involve your family. Have patience with a relative who likes to take their time in discussing their feelings.
Follow your own instincts even if this takes you in a direction that is different to those sharing your world. Refuse to allow anyone who isn’t as practical as yourself, to muddle your thinking. You won’t want to waste any time on their foolish ideas.
Friends and money make uneasy bedfellows. Ignore the advice of someone who loves to watch other people spend their cash while their own stays safely in their pocket. If recently you’ve been spending a lot of your spare time socialising, you will be ready now to blend into the background.
Double check the facts before jumping to false conclusions. Normally you can sense it when someone tries to mislead you and you can trust your instincts. Your fears about a loved one having been deceiving you have been amplifying your anxiety and causing you to read the situation wrongly.