You have a difficult choice to make and a fear of making the wrong decision is holding you back. Take time to get quiet within yourself. The answer will come during these silent moments when you are more able to listen to your intuition and follow your heart.
You’re having a hard time keeping your patience with someone who is annoying you. They’re making impulsive decisions and acting too quickly. Their lack of care will not get the end result you are anticipating. It would be better to suggest you take on some jobs on your own.
Something new is beginning and you will want to learn all you can about this. You have a quick mind and a love of learning. Curiosity, study and research will help you reach your goals. Group activities allow you to make good use of your talents.
Allow your heart to rule your thinking. Over analysing everything is stopping you from taking action. Spend some quiet time alone to get your thoughts in order. Calm your mind and if you have a decision to make between different options, trust that your heart has the answer.
Keep an eye on the way a partner or someone in the household is spending money. You don’t have to become paranoid about it but if you feel there’s a lack of equality about the way joint finances are being handled, be ready to take charge of the situation.
If argumentative friends and colleagues cannot reach agreement in matters that should be shared, you will feel better off, out of it. You have too much of your own to do and no time to get involved in activities that aren’t likely to come off well, anyway.
There are ways you can gain from a situation that seems to be working out to someone else’s advantage. Don’t feel as if it always goes wrong for you as this attitude will only attract more problems your way. Shift your thinking to something more positive and hopeful.
You’re feeling a little lost and you aren’t sure of the right way to go. Look at past experiences that might help you decide on what to do next. Will you take this opportunity to broaden your horizons? The change this brings will be a positive one.
You might agree to new methods and routines that have not been properly tested. In your desire to keep everything moving forward, you’re inclined to act on impulse. This might not be sensible or wise when later, if things go wrong, you will have to accept responsibility for mistakes.
Your family are eager and excited about a home improvement project that is being planned. Some ideas that are shared will be wonderful. Others are not very practical. Rather than criticise these outright, make some alternative suggestions that are more realistic.
You had not expected some commitments you agreed on in the past to last for so long. These arrangements are starting to feel restrictive. You feel trapped and you want to be free. A longing for something different is a sign it is time to make some changes.
You’re in contact with someone who is having an easier time than you, due to their past good planning. You will appreciate the way they have everything in their life so organised and will welcome any tips they might give you on how to make more efficient use of your time.