An event or situation that could have had negative consequences will have a beneficial outcome much to your relief. It will be your quick reactions that determine the outcome. People will be glad to follow your lead. Instinct can be a great guide to those who are willing to act on it.
Showcase your talents whenever you get the chance. Someone who has a natural flair for promotion will suggest joining forces with you. This can only be a good move as your combined gifts will make you unbeatable. Play your cards right and this could lead to another step up the ladder of success.
You will greet the morning with confidence and happy anticipation. A creative endeavour is starting to bear fruit and as you look to the future, the picture seems to be getting brighter filling you with optimism and positivity. Finalise arrangements for a long journey or holiday.
People can’t read your mind. There’s a need to get together with a partner or housemate to review long-range plans particularly those relating to financial questions. Some adjustments will be necessary but these won’t be half as restrictive as you were expecting them to be.
You are tempted to enter a competitive event. You really would like to succeed in this but a lack of faith in your ability holds you back. Remember: you have to be in it to win it. If you have been considering getting involved in something new, the right opportunity will show itself. Grasp this before it disappears.
You feel like you are in an amazing place. Events now going on around you really make life worth living. You have been through good times and bad but nothing quite like anything you are going through now. Everything is going your way.
A youngster in the family will be grateful for your support and encouragement. With you giving them more of your time and because you are happy to help them develop a special skill, they will get to achieve something they can be proud of.
A reunion or trip to visit some old friends is something you will look forward to. Although this occasion may not be quite what you had in mind, you will be glad you accepted the invitation. Someone you used to know who you never expected to see again will also be there.
There is no room for complacency when dealing with joint and household finances and certainly none for extravagance. It won’t be an easy decision but you might decide not to go ahead with some travel plans as this is likely to stretch your budget to the limit.
An imaginative friend or colleague will seem to have an abundance of ideas when you run out of them. Your annoyance at someone’s unrequested interference will turn to delight when you discover that they really do have your best interests at heart.
Common sense guides you now. You aren’t leaving anything to chance. Once the details of a new project is sorted out and everything is underway, problems you had expected to encounter aren’t likely to occur. Your careful planning will pay off handsomely.
Today’s potentials include the chance to combine business with pleasure. There is a strong sense of togetherness in all relationships. The time is right to say yes to something you turned down in the past. Are you single? A new romance could develop by chance.