You can use this ingredient you probably already have in your kitchen to do your laundry.
Vinegar is a cheap and common household item that is not only effective but also safe for cleaning many unexpected things around the house.
Billed as “powerful multi-purpose cleaner,” vinegar boasts acetic acid, which is “a colorless organic compound” that is “so powerful” that it can “dissolve mineral deposit, dirt, grease and grime,” as well as “kill bacteria,” according to Healthline.
Whether you’re cleaning your kitchen counter, sinks and showerheads, toliets, or even doing laundry, the powerful natural cleaning agent can get the job done without the toxic chemicals found in many cleaning products found at the store.
READ MORE: Vinegar is a ‘great option’ to remove limescale off this
White vinegar can be used as a detergent and fabric softener for textiles such as towels, according to Better Homes & Gardens.
Adding 125ml of white vinegar to half the recommended amount of laundry detergent will protect its colors and prevent color fading, as well as remove excess detergent residue while washing it.
Similarly, if you add 250ml to the final wash or rinse, it will help soften the fabrices and remove static.
You can use white vinegar to clean a host of things in your home, from your coffee machine to your drain.
Unlike many store brought products, vinegar is a naturally occuring ingredient that does not contain harsh and toxic chemicals that are bad for both the environment and human health.
To make sure your cleaning products are safe, consumers can use free apps such as Clearya to vet the ingredient list and protect themselves, their families and the planet.