Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) festivities are happening across San Diego County. The holiday, which has roots in Mexico, honors loved ones who have died and is typically observed around Nov. 1, which is also All Saints Day. Families build ofrendas (altars) displaying photos and favorite foods and other items in honor of a loved one who has died. Bright orange marigolds, dancing skeletons, sugar skulls and sweet pan de muerto (bread of the dead) along with music and dancing are part of the festivities. Here are some Día de Los Muertos community celebrations.
Día de Los Muertos display: The Bonita Museum and Cultural Center, will have community ofrendas and large-scale paper mache for Dia de los Muertos on display through Nov. 11 at the museum, 4355 Bonita Road. Visit bonitahistoricalsociety.org.
Día de Los Muertos at memorial park: A Día de Los Muertos celebration is set for noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 28 at Glen Abbey Memorial Park and Mortuary, 3838 Bonita Road. There will be an altar (ofrenda) for families to place pictures of their loved ones and there will be mariachi, dancers, low riders, face painting and food trucks. (619) 498-4600.

( (Howard Lipin / San Diego Union-Tribune))
Día de los Muertos at historic hacienda: The Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Ranch Park will be open after hours from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 28 for a family-friendly Día de los Muertos celebration that includes dinner, no-host bar, crafts for kids and the movie “Coco” at the historic home and gardens of a Hollywood legend Leo Carrillo. The ranch — at 6200 Flying Leo Carrillo Lane — is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For tours, meet at the welcome kiosk in the parking lot. Tickets are available by pre-sale only. Admission is $25 per person; children 3 years and younger are free but still need to register. Visit carrillo-ranch.org.
Celebration with screening of “Book of Life”: The Third Avenue Village Association hosts a free Día de Los Muertos celebration from 3 to 8 p.m. on Oct. 28 at Third and Davidson streets, which includes a community altar (bring a copy of a photo of a deceased loved one to place on the altar), an altar contest, live music and dance performances, kids crafts, treats, food, vendors and themed photo ops along with a screening of Guillermo del Toro’s “The Book of Life” on the Papel Picado Stage starting at 7:30 p.m. on the Papel Picado Stage. Visit thirdavenuevillage.com/dia-de-los-muertos-celebration.
This photo released by Twentieth Century Fox & Reel FX shows a scene from producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge Gutierrez’s animated feature film comedy, “The Book of Life.”
(Associated Press)
Dia de los Muertos Altar Contest: The contest is part of a family friendly Dia de los Muertos event from 7 to 9 p.m. Nov. 1 with music, ofrenda (altars) and Folklorico dancers at Terra Nova Plaza, 394 E. H St. To enter the altar Contest, Email cgonzalez@newmarkmerrill.com to enter altar contest. Visit terranovaplaza.com.
Encinitas Día de los Muertos: The 10th annual family-oriented “Day of the Dead” festival is from noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 29 at the MiraCosta San Elijo campus, 3333 Manchester Ave. The annual event includes performances by ballet folklorico dancers and mariachi bands. Festivities include face painting, craft workshops for children to make sugar skulls and paper flowers, artist demonstrations and a Day of the Dead art exhibit by Oak Crest Middle School students. There will be a lowrider car show by Callejeros De Encinitas Car Club, food and vendor booths. A community ofrenda will be on display indoors, and attendees can honor the memory of a loved one with a photograph or remembrance. The event will be emceed by Mano a Mano Foundation Program Director Beatriz Villarreal and begins with a blessing of the Community Ofrenda. Free admission. Visit encinitasarts.org.
Altar workshops: A free Día de los Muertos altar workshop led by artist Luis Murguia will be held from 3 to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. Attendees learn how to create a Día de los Muertos altar and can create their own.
Day of the Dead at library: A Día de los Muertos Celebration is from 3 to 7 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. Highlights include performances by Ballet Folklorico de San Dieguito and Chula Vista Mariachi Band, sugar skull making and print making. The Encinitas Library will have a community ofrenda on display from Oct. 24 through Nov. 3 in the lobby of the library along with Day of the Dead art exhibit by Paul Ecke Central Elementary School students. Also Dia de los Muertos art made by Luis Murgia will be featured in acrylic showcases in the front lobby. Visit https://www.encinitasca.gov/community/d-a-de-los-muertos.
Festival at arts center: The free 28th annual Día de los Muertos festival at the California Center for the Arts Museum, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., is from 4 to 9 p.m. Nov. 1 with live music, performances by Ballet Folklorico and Aztec Dance and community altars to honor the memory of loved ones along with Catrina contest, food trucks, vendor market, lowrider car show, Frida Kahlo museum exhibit and face painting. Visit artcenter.org/event/28th-annual-dia-de-los-muertos-escondido/
Art of Día de los Muertos: California Center for the Arts, Escondido at 340 N. Escondido Blvd. hosts Art & Spirit: Día de los Muertos from 7 to 9 p.m. Oct. 27 in the museum courtyard with art and music. Participants can create a personal ofrenda with a nicho box, inspired by the Museum’s Día de los Muertos altar designed by Macedonio Arteaga and dedicated to Frida Kahlo. Admission is $15-$25, including art supplies, museum admission and a signature cocktail. Visit artcenter.org/event/art-spirit-dia-de-los-muertos.
Library celebration: A Day of the Dead Celebration is from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Escondido Public Library’s Turrentine Room, 239 S. Kalmia St. There will be Día de los Muertos stories, music, folkloric dance and sugar skull making. Families can create a community exhibit to honor loved ones who died, and can bring items such as a photo, memento or their favorite food. Visit escondidolibrary.org.
Community ofrenda: To celebrate Día de los Muertos, the Escondido Public Library is organizing its second community ofrenda — a creative memorial to loved ones who died. Community members can contribute images and artwork in memory of loved ones. The ofrenda will be in the library lobby from Oct. 23 to Nov. 4. Visit escondidolibrary.org.
The annual Día de los Muertos Community Celebration is from 3:30 p.m. 6 p.m. Nov. 2 at Veterans Park, 1075 Eighth St. Highlights include an altar to honor loved ones who have passed away, mariachi music, ballet folklórico, activities for kids and more. Visit https://www.imperialbeachca.gov/.
Día de los Muertos downtown: The 22nd annual event is from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 22 next to City Hall and around the Oceanside Civic Center and Pier View Way. Highlights include community and family altars built in memory of loved ones with marigolds from Mellano Flowers and traditional music and dancing of the Mexican culture, along with chalk cemetery and kids crafts and activities. There will be a Catrina Contest at 2 p.m., food, shopping and a car show with trunk altars sponsored by the Por Siempre Car Club, along with lowrider bicycles on display. Entertainment includes capulli, ballet folklorico and rubios dancers and Danza de los Diablos. The bookmobile will offer arts projects for kids. Free admission. Visit friendsofoceansidediadelosmuertos.org.
Celebrate in City Heights: The annual City Heights Día de Los Muertos celebration of those who have passed on is from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 28 at Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park, 3795 Fairmount Ave. with altars, music, entertainment and kids zone.
Fiesta de Reyes Día de los Muertos: Fiesta de Reyes in Old Town San Diego State Historic Park celebrates Día de los Muertos from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily through Nov. 2 at 2754 Calhoun St. Live entertainment on the Fiesta de Reyes stage. There will be Día de Los Muertos altars, live entertainment, professional face painters, art demonstrations and Catrinas along with skeleton puppets at the plaza. Visit fiestadereyes.com.
Candlelight procession: As part of Día de Muertos celebrations, Old Town’s Immaculate Conception Church hosts a candlelight procession 6 p.m. Nov. 2 with blessings and traditional dances by Danza Azteca Atlachinolli. The free event begins at sundown in front of the church, 2540 San Diego Ave. and ends at El Campo Santo Cemetery.
Dia De Los Muertos at SeaWorld: Catrina statues in traditional dresses will welcome guests Nov. 3-5 as the park celebrates Dia De Los Muertos. There will be ofrendas with mementos and flowers honoring loved ones who have passed and traditional Day of the Dead music along with foods such as conchas, pan de muerto, chamango and hot Cheetos elote in a cup and micheladas and margaritas. Visit SeaWorldSanDiego.com.
Dia de Muertos celebration: Barrio Logan holds Dia de Muertos Espiritu de Xochimilco from noon to 7 p.m. Oct. 29 near Logan Avenue and National Avenue. Highlights include Ballet Folklorico dancers, marianchi band, traditional ceremonies, altars and Catrina contest along with Mexican foods, local vendors, lowriders with contest, and kids activities. Opening ceremony is noon to 12:45 p.m. Visit allforlogan.com.
Sherman Heights Community Center: Dia de los Muertos candlelight procession from 5 to 10 p.m. on Nov. 2. Join the procession from either the Centro Cultural de la Raza or Sherman Heights Community Center. Other activities include a display of altars and craft workshops. Visit shermanheightscc.org.
Folklorico dancers: A Dia de los Muertos event is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 28 at Greenwood Mortuary and Crematory, 4300 Imperial Ave. with folklorico dancers, mariachi band, car exhibit, tamales and hot chocolate. Visit greenwoodmemorial.com.
Old Town Día de los Muertos altar: Bazaar del Mundo has a Día de los Muertos altar on display for visitors to see at 4133 Taylor St. Visit bazaardelmundo.com.
Día de los Muertos at historic adobe: A Day of the Dead event is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 28 at Rancho Guajome Adobe, 2210 N. Santa Fe Ave. The event features food, altars, live entertainment, and arts and crafts. Admission (cash only) is $4; $2 for ages 4-12 and free for ages 3 and younger. Free parking. Visit https://www.sdparks.org/content/sdparks/en/park-pages/RanchoGuajomeAdobe.html or call (760) 724-4082.
To add a Día de los Muertos event, email linda.mcintosh@sduniontribune.com.