Britons are famously cynical about their politicians but most of us assume they’re broadly trying to do their best for the country.
Not this lot.
The only way I can sensibly explain Keir Starmer’s strategy is to assume Labour is working to destroy us.
Then it all fits into place.
Take Energy Secretary Ed Miliband. His energy policy is like a death ray aimed at the UK economy.
For decades, Treasury coffers have been boosted by North Sea oil and gas revenues. Without them, we’d be even poorer than we already are.
So what does Miliband do?
Ban new oil and gas drilling. This will blow a hole in the UK’s bottom line, costing us billions and destroying hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Any oil and gas companies daft enough to remain will be annihilated by windfall taxes. Donald Trump is watching and can’t believe his eyes.
Could you imagine Trump doing that to the US? He wouldn’t, because he wants to make America great again, whereas Labour is working to make the UK even grimmer.
If you wanted to sabotage an economy, what better way than making it dependent on foreign imports and unreliable renewables?
Double agent Miliband couldn’t think of one. Otherwise he’d be doing it.
Then there’s Rachel Reeves. If this was a James Bond movie, I’d be convinced she was secretly in the pay of Spectre.
How else could you explain her devious plot to cripple the UK? As Chancellor, she’s supposed to make the economy grow.
Instead she torpedoed UK confidence with talk of that £22billion black hole. Instantly, the economy flatlined.
Then she gave us four months to sweat on her horror Budget, which turned out to be even worse than imagined.
It will destroy jobs, businesses and livelihoods. She might has well have parked a Tesla Cybertruck outside the London Stock Exchange.
Although I probably shouldn’t give her ideas.
The economy is now shrinking. We could be in recession by March. Nice work, Agent Reeves, as they say at Spectre headquarters.
Labour’s inheritance tax raid on family farms also threatens the nation’s food security. Any remaining productive land will be buried by Miliband’s army of solar farms.
That will leave us even more dependent on imported food too. It’s like a Bond villain’s crazy masterplan, except this one looks likely to work.
Spectre top brass should spare a few warm words for housing secretary Angela Rayner, whose employment rights bill will wreak yet more havoc on the UK economy.
And on it goes.
On immigration, Labour has proven itself utterly incapable of protecting our borders as illegal Channel crossings hit record highs. Not that the Tories were much better.
Once again, Labour is prioritising the needs of people who have never contributed to this country, over those who do.
Every decision Starmer makes seems to prioritise ideology over pragmatism, globalism over patriotism, and vested interests over the British people.
Now the party is gearing up to smash our education system, to doom the next generation too.
The UK has a great track record of winning wars, but how can it defeat its own government? Especially one that despises us as much as this one seems to. And there’s no 007 to save us.