Inbaal claimed that three star signs in particular will feel the effects of the retrograde (Image: Getty)
Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, Inbaal said: “The final Mercury retrograde of 2023 brings some chaos to December from the Wednesday 13, right after the new moon on the Tuesday 12.
“Those parallel changes create a vibe of unexpected shifts, for each person especially Gemini and Virgo who are ruled by Mercury and also Sagittarius which dominates the season.
“In addition, shops and businesses will run into trouble during the busiest week of the year, as the Mercury retrograde will interfere with large ordering systems and delivery companies.”
Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21
With Sagittarius season underway, Inbaal warned that the new moon in the 12/12 is in the sign. She said: “Not only is it your season, not only is it a very cute date, doubling up on the number 12, but it is the new moon which is a golden opportunity for you to manifest your desires.
“During that time, Mars, planet of desire is also in Sagittarius, which means that any dreams and wishes around passion will be quick to come true. In fact, the planet Mars is in your sign all month long, so a lot of secret admirers will be making themselves known.”
READ MORE: Astrologer names the ‘worst’ zodiac sign – ‘hurtful and humiliating’ to others
Planet Mercury is one of the most powerful when it retrograde (Image: Getty)
Capricorn – December 22 to January 19
Capricorn season is close by, starting on December 22. According to the astrologer, this will be the moment for Capricorn’s in the Sun, and a successful month ahead. The horoscope expert said: “As we get towards your season, other planets begin to appear in your sign, starting with Mercury, planet of communication. Between the 2nd and the 22nd, this planet is in your sign. The bad news is that Mercury is in retrograde after the 13th. So for the first 11 days, communication is centred around you and goes in your favour – not so much in the nine days that follow.”
Aquarius – January 20 to February 18
Inbaal said: “Is it possible to be calm and stressed both at the same time? I guess you could answer that after this December. On the one hand, your traditional ruling planet, sensible Saturn, is in romantic Pisces, so you have a lot to be thankful for, you’re surrounded by people who love you and in addition your intuition is strong all month long.
“On the other hand, your modern ruler, Uranus, planet of rebellion is retrograde, and it is in stubborn Taurus, which means that things you’d like to change are taking their time and appear a bit impossible all month. So stress and calm are both your reality in December.”
Pisces – February 19 to March 20
The astrologer said: “You’re a dreamer, Pisces, this is your uniqueness, this is your creativity. You can navigate this world as if living through a dream, and this year has been very otherworldly indeed. Saturn, the planet of time has been in your sign since March 7, and Neptune, the planet of illusion has been in your sign for 12 years. For the past few months, both planets have been in retrograde, going ‘backwards’ in the sky, so at times your dreaminess became a nightmare. Last month, Saturn in retrograde ended, and this month, Neptune in retrograde is ending. From the 7th, both planets in Pisces are going direct, which means you’ll feel the wind in your back again, and success will find you.”
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Aries – March 21 to April 19
The astrologer continued: “Your ruling planet, Mars, the planet of war and passion, is in the free-spirited sign Sagittarius during all of December. This means that it’s an exciting month for you, and you will find yourself going on adventures, invited on trips and enjoying many types of fun experiences every day of the month.
“Sagittarius is also a sign of collaborations, so you’ll see that others want to work and party with you, especially people who you wouldn’t ordinarily expect. You’ll be spending December with a smile on your face and your pockets full of abundance, with other people paying for your drinks.”
Taurus – April 20 to May 20
The festive season isn’t an easy time of year for Taurus, according to Inbaal. She explained: “You won’t be at all surprised to learn that you’ll be feeling a bit drained by the end of this month. The planet Jupiter, which is fun-loving and generous, is in your sign all month long, but it happens to be retrograde.
“This means that every day of bouncy joy will need to be followed by a day of rest. In order to make best use of Jupiter’s fun side, make sure you plan your chill sessions in advance and treat them as essential. A long bath, a short digital detox or a cosy drink with a very peaceful friend, will help you enjoy this part of the winter.”
Gemini – May 21 to June 21
The astrologer claimed: “You’re a fun loving and sociable sign, ruled by Mercury, planet of communication. As we go through the final Mercury retrograde of the year, you might find that it affects you more than others. After the 13th, Mercury appears to be going backwards in the sky, which means that communication will be messy, and your friendships and relationships could suffer as a result of misunderstandings, miscommunications and just plain mistakes. Give people the benefit of the doubt during those weeks, don’t take their words to heart because they may not mean what you think they mean.”
The chaos will ensue after the New Moon on December 12, claimed Inbaal (Image: Getty)
Cancer – June 22 to July 22
According to Inbaal, the Moon has a big influence on the zodiac, Cancer. She said: “The Moon isn’t just another rock in the sky for you – it is, in fact, your heavenly ruler, which means that the position of the moon influences you more than it does other signs. You are emotional, loving and intuitive because the moon governs those qualities.
“When the moon is in Cancer, especially the full moon, you’ll notice that those qualities are heightened. This December, your full moon is on the 27th. It was also your full moon on 6 January. Flick through your diary to see how things went back then, to find out how things will go for you again.”
Leo – July 23 to August 22
The astrologer continued: “You’re ruled by the Sun, Leo, which means that the new moons and the full moons impact you too. During the new moon, the Sun and the Moon are right next to each other, and during the full moon, the Sun and the Moon are opposite one another. When the Moon is with your ruler, the Sun, during the new moon on the 12th, you’ll see romantic attention and your intuition will be heightened. When the moon is opposite your ruler, the Sun, during the full moon on the 27th, you’ll feel independent, undefeatable and strong.”
Virgo – August 23 to September 22
Mercury, the planet of communication rules Virgo, and it’s going through some interesting changes this month. Inbaal explained: “It starts off in Sagittarius, which is fun-loving and wild, so you’ll find yourself in fun parties and funny conversations on the first day of the month, and then it changes into Capricorn. This is a serious and businesslike sign, so you’ll be dealing with work negotiations till the 22nd, after which Mercury goes back into Sagittarius. In addition, on the 13th, Mercury goes retrograde, causing you to feel less grounded, so you’ll need more self-care.”
Libra – September 23 to October 23
Inbaal claimed: “Venus, the planet of love and beauty, goes through three signs this month. It is your ruling planet, so each transition will be felt in your home and love life. Initially, Venus is in Libra, your own sign! So for the first four days of the month, you feel safe and happy, loved and peaceful.
“Then Libra enters Scorpio, and for the majority of December, you feel sensitive, intuitive and quite passionate, under the influence of the sign of the Scorpion. And finally, for the two last days of December, Venus is in free-spirited Sagittarius, so you book your holiday then.”
Scorpio – October 23 to November 21
She continued: “Scorpio season is over, but now there’s still some attention on you, as Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is in Scorpio from the 5th to the 29th. During those weeks, you’ll find that love comes to you, that you feel more attractive than usual, and that your home is warm and peaceful.
“Any drama that takes place around you, which can happen a lot in the life of a Scorpio, is set aside, and you have a very calm and happy few weeks. During those Venus days, the moon is in your sign on the 9th and the 10th, so you may dream of your future love in the night.”