Customers that have smart technology in their homes, such as a smart thermostat, can use apps to get the most out of them.
Most of these apps will provide customers with valuable information about how much energy they’re using and will give them some ideas on ways to save.
Amanda Lucas, 55, from Macclesfield, Cheshire “feels safer and more in control in what we are utilising with our money and energy” since using a smart meter.
As the cost of living crisis continues, and energy bills remain high, Britons are urged to consider smart technology which could cut bills over time.
Those using less than average energy will pay more for their bills this winter compared to last, the Resolution Foundation said, with 7.2 million homes to pay more.
Ms Lucas said: “I’ve had a Hive Thermostat for about two to three years now and noticed a difference in bills since the install. I also have Smart Light Bulbs, which have made me feel much safer when away on holiday or out of the house, as you can switch certain room lights on through the app when out .
“When using all these products, I have become much more aware of how much energy I use. Due to our sporadic working hours, it has helped our lifestyle, being able to turn the heating on and off through our phones when coming back from work.
“It’s something you don’t realise you need until you actually have it!”
When it comes to understanding the best way to save money on heating and energy bills this winter, money-saving expert and author Clare Seal sheds light on how people can be in control of their homes.
She said: “Make sure you’re never heating an empty home. Life gets so busy, that it’s easy to forget to turn the heating down or off before you leave the house – especially if you have ADHD, like me.
“Consider a smart thermostat to allow you to control your heating wherever you are, so if you remember that you’ve left the heating on when you’re halfway to work, you can actually do something about it!”
Mum of two Nicola Allen is no stranger to smart technology. Her household saves £10 per month and, therefore projected to save at least £120 per year.
She said: “Having control over the heating is great” and it’s much nicer to come back to a house with some heat rather than switching it on and waiting for it to warm up.”
Technology such as Hive’s smart subscription service Hive Heating Plus, forecasts how much customers are likely to spend based on factors such as their heating history, energy tariff and the weather.
It allows customers to set a budget, sharing predictions on how unpredictable weather spells can impact their spending, whilst providing personalised tips to help them stay on track and within budget, helping them take control of their spending.