The resort itself is described in forensic detail through the eyes of all the main characters (and suspects) involved.
There is sun, obviously.
There is drink.
There are murky ambitions and intentions.
There is partying and beach-led playfulness. But there is a dark heart to this novel which points to lethal intentions in the most idyllic of circumstances.
Character is the engine which drives most fiction and each main character in this novel occupies their own singular chapter as events unfold in the aftermath of the killing.
This is done with huge humour and no little insight into how the people who operate these upmarket resorts actually behave.
Maybe the author has been on a lot of this sort of holiday. Selfless research, if so.
Who done it is the classic question when you read (or on your sunbed), devour this kind of fiction?
Obviously, I’m not going to give the game away. But I would say that whilst totally plausible with the wisdom of hindsight, the conclusion of the story comes as quite a surprise.
A very atmospheric, polished debut which it’s hoped will be the precursor to a series of books on a similar theme.
Murder in the Alps? Murder on Safari? It’s up to her fertile imagination and great wit and we’ll have to wait and see.