A second added: “The tray and insert, clean with soap and water after every use. No brainer.
“For the inside, every couple of months (depending on use) let it cool down 100%, unplug, flip the unit over and wipe the heating element and what you can get to with a sponge. Then, use the unit to steam clean itself for the rest you can’t reach.
“I fill the tray with about an 2-3 inches of water, add liquid soap, and a lemon. Run for 10-15 mins checking in and do this process 3 or 4 times. If water is brown when you check in, replace with clean, more soap and keep going.
“Never perfectly clean inside, but this def helps and helps from the exhaust smelling of all the foods of frying a past.”
Another commented: “I have an IP Vortex 5.7L and cleaning involves – letting the basket cool; pulling out the shelf; wiping it down with a soft cloth and some mild soap; rinse; wiping out the basket with same soft soapy cloth; rinse; set aside to dry.”
A user suggested: “Take the little rack part out of the basket. Put it in soapy sink water. Rub washcloth over it for about 5 seconds. Rinse off and put it in the dish drainer thingy. Dip the end of the basket into the sink water and wash the basket part for about 5 seconds.
“Dump out the water and crumbs into the sink. Rinse out and put it into the dish drainer thingy. Remember to double check that you unplugged the machine.”
A fifth person said: “We have ninja 2 drawer, i clean them in the sink, soap and hot water, sometimes in the dishwasher, no problems either way.”
And another simply put: “Hot water!”
Will you be giving any of these cleaning tips a try?