A pub landlord struggling to stay open has said his costs will increase again after the autumn statement.
Robin Trippick, 61, said the increase in the minimum wage and Living Wage is a “brutal” extra cost for his business, warning the freeze on alcohol duty is like “moving the deck chairs on the Titanic”.
He runs the Crate and Apple in Chichester. The barman said he has not been able to pay himself a salary since the COVID-19 pandemic hit despite working over 100 hours a week.
Mr Trippick said: “It’s getting hit from every angle – supplier costs have gone up, minimum wage and you’re still expected to make all the VAT contributions on all this stuff.
“It really feels like hospitality has been hung out to dry. We’re just not getting any help.”
He has run the boozer since 2017 and said the venue is at risk of closure despite the continuation of the 75 percent business rate discount.
He warned: “Of course, the business rate discount for the year helps but we need some respite from external pressures put on the business.
“It’s a step but what hospitality needs is something substantial. I think the Government have looked at all the sectors and decided if hospitality fails then it fails, and it will come back in due course, I think that’s their mindset.
“What I found stupefying is the fact that next to the financial sector, hospitality is the biggest revenue producer for the Government. Wouldn’t it be better to have all these businesses contributing to the economy, instead of letting them go under?”
One change in the autumn statement that will have a big impact on his business is the National Living Wage increasing from £10.42 an hour to £11.44 an hour. This will be extended so all workers aged 21 and over will get the new minimum rate, from April next year.
Mr Trippick said: “The minimum wage going up by a pound an hour is brutal for us. It’s a massive amount of money but how are small businesses meant to pay that?
“I already work 100 hours a week and I don’t get paid. I haven’t taken a salary from my business since COVID-19 and all I’m doing is keeping 30 people employed.”
He had previous issues with a spike in his energy bills when he switched supplier. He started a 36-month contract in August 2023 with his bills increasing from £1,700 a month to £5,000 a month.
This was later halved to £2,500 but he said even with this respite his business, he says the pub is struggling to survive.
He said: “We’ve put our prices up as much as we can already and in fairness the brewery have given us trade credit for the next few months – essentially two months of free booze but that doesn’t solve the next 36 months.
“It really feels like hospitality has been hung out to dry, we’re just not getting any help. The irony of it is we’re the busiest it’s ever been. We’re doing our bit right, it’s not like we’re failing.”
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