More Britons forced into debt repayment schemes with very high fees (Image: Getty)
More than two-thirds of suggested ‘IVA’ debt repayment schemes deviate from Citizens Advice guidance, with the average proposed fees for these schemes nearing £4,000, a new study shows.
Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs) are formal and legally binding agreements between a borrower and their creditors to pay back debts over a set period.
The study by financial service Abound, which looked into 200 recently proposed IVAs, found 71 percent of the proposed schemes — those drafted by the IVA firms in agreement with the borrower and submitted to the lender for approval — were for debts of less than £10,000.
However, Citizens Advice does not recommend IVAs for people with total debts less than this figure because of the high fee and the acknowledgement that “better options are available.”
Gerald Chappell, CEO and co-founder of Abound and author of the study said: “Many proposed IVAs are of questionable benefit to customers. They trade short-term payment reductions for long-term financial consequences which customers frequently do not understand.
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Britons struggling with debt are being urged to approach their lender before settling for an IVA (Image: Getty)
“In many cases, customers could have achieved superior financial relief by engaging directly with their lenders, or by arranging a Debt Management Plan via a free debt advice charity like StepChange that would not require an insolvency process.
“IVAs are often sold to vulnerable and indebted people in an unethical way, and it seems clear to me that this is motivated by the large fees involved.”
Alongside IVAs being proposed for individuals with smaller debts, concerns have been raised over the high fees that they charge. Of those IVAs proposed, Abound found fees currently average £3,854.
According to the study, around 47.7 percent of the proposed proceeds from the IVAs would have, if accepted, gone to the IVA provider as opposed to 52.3 percent to the creditors, to pay down the original debt.
Of those IVA schemes that were accepted, 54.4 percent of proceeds went to the creditor and 45.7 percent of proceeds went to the IVA firm.
A small number of the accepted IVAs appear to be unfavourable consumers, with two in the sample having a fee constituting 80 percent or more of the proposed IVA.
IVA fees are typically the first thing the customer pays back. If the customer defaults and exits the IVA, sometimes they will be left with the same debt, despite paying a significant amount to the IVA firm.
But with IVA firms increasingly using social media platforms such as Facebook and TikTok to advertise the option as an “easy way” for people to write off their debts, concerns are stirring that people may be unaware of the risks.
People may not realise until too late that IVAs can significantly affect their credit ratings and stay on file for six years.
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These revelations come as Ofcom consults on the enforcement of clauses in the Online Safety Act 2023, which can see social media firms fined up to 10 percent of their annual revenue for hosting misleading or harmful online ads.
Mr Chappell said: “The fact that such a high proportion of IVAs go against official advice indicates a serious problem and I would question whether consumers know the serious long-term impact that an IVA can have on their financial future.”
However, he noted: “It’s important to add that an IVA can be a suitable solution for someone with large debts or assets to protect.”
To avoid unnecessary fees, Abound suggested three checks borrowers should make first before turning to an IVA.
Firstly, those in financial difficulty and worried about paying back a debt should speak to their lender about their situation. Lenders will often be able to agree on an affordable payment plan directly.
According to Abound, lenders are regulated and are required to act to ensure good outcomes for retail customers, which includes treating them fairly and supporting customers in financial difficulties.
Secondly, the experts suggest speaking with a free debt advice charity like Step Change. They can help people assess their financial situation, put together a debt repayment plan, and negotiate with lenders on the person’s behalf. In many cases, Abound said this can be done without the need to go through an IVA.
Finally, Abound suggested remaining alert and cautious about promotions on social media, such as adverts for quick ways to get rid of debts with no consequences. The firm said if it sounds too good to be true, “it probably is.”