Once the state pension age changes, millions of Britons will be left waiting longer to claim their freebie benefits.
Currently, Britons can claim a free bus pass once they reach 66 – the state pension age – however, when changes go ahead, they will be left waiting years longer.
The state pension remains the foundation of income in retirement for future generations and the government want to continue to make sure it is sustainable and fair.
They agreed with the Independent Report conclusion that the increase to state pension age from 66 to 67 is appropriate. This rise will therefore take place between 2026-2028.
As the cost of living crisis continues, many older Britons could be waiting on these discounts and freebies to help manage their costs.
To check when someone can qualify for the state pension, they can use the free tool on the Government website.
The useful tool can help individuals find out several things to help them plan for the future.
This includes:
By inputting their date of birth, the tool should reveal their state pension age.
Pensioners are urged to check the Government website to see what other benefits they may be entitled to as this could prove vital in upcoming months.
As well as getting a free bus pass, those over 60 can get extra financial support through:
For more information, people can visit the Government website.
The London Freedom Pass also gives concessionary travel for the city’s older residents which are not accessible for their counterparts in other parts of the country.
Those who are eligible for the free bus pass in England can apply via the Government’s website.
Applicants can enter in their postcode online and will be given the contact details of their local council.
State pension claimants who apply directly through their local council should be aware that procedures can be different when the free bus pass is being administered.