There’s nothing wrong with getting older – age is a gift and a beautiful one at that. However, most women still want to look and feel their best even in their mature years.
Stylist Melissa Lund told Express.co.uk: “I guess we all get to an age where we feel we need to look younger, or if not that, we need to feel like we’re looking our best. There are definitely some styling hacks which can help.”
Despite being a clothing connoisseur, the stylist offered some tips about hair, makeup, weight and posture.
Melissa’s first tip for women over 50 was to pay attention to hair colour. Blonde, brunette and grey are all possible – you just have to go about it the right way.
The expert advised mature women to “consider your hair colour”. She said: “If you’re colouring to hide the greys and you’re a brunette, lowlights or balayage will be more flattering than an all over flat colour.”
For women who have reached mid life and are sick of getting their roots touched up every few weeks, going grey might be the solution.
But Melissa gave a warning to these ladies. While it is low-maintenance in terms of colour, rocking grey hair comes with its own set of prerequisites.
She said: “Grey can look really chic but if you’ve decided to go with it, then you need a sharp cut, wonderful makeup and a great wardrobe, otherwise you’ll add 10 years instantly.”
In a simililar vein, ladies of a certain age should become confident with makeup and harness its power to make themselves look youthful and beautiful.
Melissa advised: “Keep up to date with current products and application techniques. Have a lesson.
“Less is generally more as we age because most of us will have fine lines which can be exacerbated when the make-up sits in them!”
Melissa’s next tip was to keep within a reasonable weight range. She stated: “Weight is really personal and I am not being at all sizeist when I say this but, not being too thin or too heavy will definitely help if you want to look youthful, healthy and energetic.”
Finally, the stylist told women over 50 to stand up straight. Your hair, makeup and clothes might be pristine, but if you’re slouched and slumped, who’s going to take notice?
She said: “Nothing says old like rounded shoulders and a slumped back. It makes you look defeated by life before you’ve started. Pilates, Alexander Technique, yoga and barre class (or adult ballet) are all great for improving posture.”