Tokyo Stylez has been struggling with “foot problems and insecurities” since childhood, she says. So, she researched and booked a podiatrist’s services to address her corns, bunions, and toe lengths.
This is all new information to her million-plus Instagram followers, Tokyo said in a video clip explaining her cosmetic surgery.
“I just wanted to come and share a little insight on some things that I’ve never shared with anyone else that you do not know. I’ve been struggling and dealing with some foot problems and insecurities that I’ve had since I was younger. That’s part of the reason why you’ve never seen my feet in photos, and if you have, they were edited,” Mia shared.
She shared before-and-after shots of her feet, an explainer video by Dr. Abraham Wagner, and insight into the procedure prep.
Growing up, Tokyo says she was active in sports and dance but also wore ill-fitting shoes. All of that contributed to the corns on “almost every toe,” two bunions, and irregular toe lengths, she says.
Tokyo Stylez Says She Felt Pressured As A Woman To Have ‘Feminine Feet’
Revealing this information “took a lot,” Tokyo said in her post’s caption. That’s because the stylist holds attention with the styling of celebrity crowns. She’s built an entertainment industry reputation with hair slays, particularly on her most public client, rapper Cardi B.
“I am now at the stage where I said enough is enough after doing tons of research on these procedures, I finally found someone who could give me the foot makeover I always desired. As a woman, it’s so expected to have feminine feet. I feel under pressure sometimes because when I leave my house, I have to worry about what shoes I can wear to hide my feet. I always wanted to be able to put on a cute sandals without putting makeup on my feet to try and cover them
Podiatrist Explains Tokoyo Stylez’s Foot Procedure
Dr. Wagner got on-camera, walking viewers through his solutions for the corns on “almost every toe,” two bunions and irregular toe lengths.