The contributions of local veterans will be recognized in a number of ways in Santee this Veterans Day, Nov. 11.
Community members are encouraged to participate in the Santee Hometown Heroes Banners self-guided walk through to see banners with the names and faces of local veterans along the Veterans Memorial Bridge on Mast Boulevard between Pebble Beach Drive and Fanita Parkway. Banners also are on Weston Road and Carlton Hills Boulevard
The walk-through guide can be found on the city’s website, https://www.cityofsanteeca.gov, and at the Veterans Memorial Monument, 9085 Fanita Parkway.
The monument’s dimension, 11 feet by 11 feet by 11 feet, is inspired by end of World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. The day originally was remember as Armistice Day, now Veterans Day. The words “Land of the free because of the brave” wrap around the monument.
The guide lists names, ranks, service years, and military branches of the veterans who are displayed on the banners on the Veterans Memorial Bridge.
A list of everyone ever displayed on a Santee Hometown Heroes banner also can be found on the City’s website.
Also in honor of Veterans Day, the Veterans Memorial Monument will be decorated with a floral arrangement on Veterans Day. Santee VFW Post 9327, American Legion and the American Legion Riders will perform a small flag-raising ceremony at 11:11 a.m. at the monument.
People who want to honor a veteran can apply for the Santee Hometown Heroes Banner Program, which honors active duty and veterans who live in or are affiliated with Santee.
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