If you’re a fan of TV, games, or books, then the chances are you know many fictional characters – but do you know which one has the highest net worth?
The net worth of characters is probably something you’ve never really considered, but there are a few who have raked in their fair share of money. But, who do you reckon is the one who has the most money?
Ultrarich fictional characters may not be real, but their bank account is at least as big as your favourite celebrity’s. You may assume that Mr Burns from The Simpsons is worth a fair bit of money, and also Mr Monopoly too. And while you’d be right, they’re worth nowhere near as much as the top spot on the list.
Mr Monopoly is worth a staggering $1.2 billion (£981,690,000) and he has become the poster boy for wealth since 1936. Given his ability to monopolise the Hasbro board game, it’s no wonder he’s managed to become ultrarich, shares The Richest.
But Mr Burns from The Simpsons is worth more. He’s one of pop culture’s most recognisable ultra-rich characters, and he’s worth a whopping $1.5 billion (£1.2 million). This is possibly down to his lack of generosity and disregard for his staff’s safety, putting profit before the wellbeing of others.
Mr Burns was born into a poor family, but, as luck would have it, he was adopted by a wealthy billionaire who taught him the importance of money, according to The Richest.
However, the richest fictional character has a net worth more than Mr Monopoly and Mr Burns combined, coming out on top with a staggering $65 billion (£53.3 billion).
But who is it? It’s the one and only Scrooge McDuck. Scrooge McDuck, a cartoon character created in 1947 by Walt Disney, acquires wealth through crafty business deals and thrifty spending.
We’ve seen many portrayals of the Scottish duck throughout the years. Not only is he hugely wealthy and successful, but he doesn’t like to share the love around – that is, until three spirits visit him and make him reassess his life’s purpose.
“Scrooge McDuck diving into a pile of money” has become a shorthand in pop culture for excessive wealth. And recently someone shared an old clip of Scrooge on X, where he illustrated the difference between $100,000 and $1 billion, and people were amazed.
“Excellent! Loved those cartoons as a kid,” said one person. “Cool, so Scrooge is teaching kids,” said another.